@National Basketball Association

Kevin Durant Tries To Name The Last 20 NBA MVP’s

Kevin Durant Tries To Name The Last 20 NBA MVP’s

by NedFriarson49


  1. BushyBrowz

    This the nerdy trivia stuff I would kill at. I think I can go as far as mid 80’s.

  2. jacksontwilight

    KD is lowkey one of the the smartest basketball players when it comes to the game. Dude just balls and knows about ball

  3. Downvotes_inbound_

    Love how hes having a good time guessing

  4. dirtykirty3

    “It was I” I thought it was KD mom that year

  5. MusicalElephant420

    My guess

    * 2022: Jokic
    * 2021: Jokic
    * 2020: Giannis
    * 2019: Giannis
    * 2018: Harden
    * 2017: Westbrook
    * 2016: Curry
    * 2015: Curry
    * 2014: Durant
    * 2013: LeBron
    * 2012: LeBron
    * 2011: Rose
    * 2010: LeBron
    * 2009: LeBron
    * 2008: Kobe
    * 2007: Nash/Dirk (leaning to Dirk)
    * 2006: Dirk/Nash (I forget which year, leaning towards B2B Nash)
    * 2005: Nash
    * 2004: I forget (Edit: Turns out it’s KG – I am dumb)
    * 2003: Duncan

  6. moby323

    I love NBA players that are also basketball nerds.

  7. Eric_T_Meraki

    For F1, Sebastian Vettell was able to name every single WDC driver in history. That was crazy. There’s like over 70 he had to remember.

  8. need-caffeine

    that dude lives and breathes basketball.

  9. BigDaddyJuno

    I can go back to 2000. Jordan makes the 90s impossible got me cause his MVPs were all over the place.

  10. MrBuckBuck

    Let’s see him try to name the teams Ish Smith played for in the last 20 years.

  11. Gristle__McThornbody

    That was pretty good I barely remember who won it last yr.

  12. Brewnonono

    This is solid off season content and you’re wasting it

  13. 8i66ie5ma115

    Damn. That’s pretty damned impressive.

  14. Butterfly_Scape

    it’s crazy how kd has been teammates with all the mvps in the past decade except jokic giannis and bron..

  15. ClickElectronic

    My internal clock is stuck in 2015 or something. Reading the title I started thinking back to MVPs in the mid-90s.

    I’m honestly surprised he missed multiple though. Most serious NBA fans I know can easily rattle off the MVPs for every year they’ve followed the league.

  16. granttheginger

    Still not as good as Sebastian Vettel naming all F1 world champions in a row

  17. sorendiz

    i can fully understand being at odds with his decisions as basketball superstar kevin durant (read to the tune of ‘actual cannibal shia labeouf’) but on a personal level, as a basketball fan, how on earth can you not like fellow basketball giganerd kevin durant

    man loves the game of basketball more than almost anyone loves anything and i really adore that about him

  18. tigerking615

    I feel like this just goes to show how hard winning an MVP is. Kobe and Shaq have only one each. It’s kinda wild Jokic already has 2.

  19. BugO_OEyes

    Who was mvp in 2022?

    Me ” damn who was mvp in 2022 lol

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