@Brooklyn Nets

The Joel Embiid kick to Nic Claxton’s groin will be reviewed

The Joel Embiid kick to Nic Claxton’s groin will be reviewed

by TNDGil


  1. I think he will be suspended next game since they are up 3-0 they will think his suspension will not affect the series.

  2. burner7221

    Does it even matter if he’s suspended? We still can’t stop Maxey.

  3. Brian Lewis


    Both #Sixers fouls – Joel Embiid and James Harden’s – from last nights Game 3 win at the #Nets will stand as called after an #NBA review.

  4. funandloving95

    All this did for me was further prove my very obvious theory that superstars get coddled in this league

  5. mweint18

    He shouldve been ejected on the spot, and then the make up ejection on Harden backfired on the nets hard. Harden was a -15, he was cheeks and taking him off the floor for the 4th meant that philly could play both melton and mcdaniels who are their best perimeter defenders. Had harden been in, one could reasonable see the nets offense attacking more successfully.

  6. hushed-shush

    Wouldn’t have happened if his floppy ass can stay on his feet. Never seen such a gigantic man at 7 feet and 280lbs fall on the floor this much. This guy is gonna be cooked this post season if he can get held back offensively by a 2 month old nets team and honeybun harden can only find people and can’t score.

  7. AnonymousBlabber

    Sorry, but I think the officials called this game overall correctly. Embiid’s kick did not have a lot of force behind it. If they ejected him, I wouldn’t have been surprised, but you also have to be careful to kick out a star player as it changes the course of the game in a playoff series.

    While Embiid’s kick was not forceful, and I believe Claxton flopped somewhat, Harden’s swipe at the Net player was much more forceful and damaging a blow in terms of actual hurt and damage caused.

    You also have to factor in that Claxton did not have to walk directly over Embiid, which was clearly for intimidation. The court is big enough a space that he did not need to step over him, which as a man is humiliating. I had no problem with the tech they called on Claxton. If Claxton’s momentum made him HAVE TO step over Embiid, then you let it go and play on.

    Ejecting Claxton also was fair because you can’t stare down a player that obviously for that long. Yes, a stare is a stare but the officials have to avoid a brawl like we saw in Detroit decades ago

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