@Los Angeles Clippers

[Azarly] Kevin Durant on Westbrook: “When he retires, people are gonna tell the truth about how they feel about his game. Right now, [they] make a joke out of Russ.” Chris Paul: “I feel like the only people to do that is the people who don’t know basketball.”

[Azarly] Kevin Durant on Westbrook: “When he retires, people are gonna tell the truth about how they feel about his game. Right now, [they] make a joke out of Russ.” Chris Paul: “I feel like the only people to do that is the people who don’t know basketball.”

by EasyMoney92


  1. Jaqlue0

    Crazy how not one player has had anything bad to say bout Russ in his career

  2. Banditkiller3001

    As someone who didn’t want russ on the team when we signed him I will say this, some of my view points have changed on him, some have stayed the same, but overall I’ve come to actually like him a bit

  3. Jrperez_3

    To be fair KD and CP gave Russ his flowers in that interview. Ballers know who Russell Westbrook is.

  4. TZBlueIce

    CP3 is right, but unfortunately the majority of people who watch (read box scores) basketball don’t know basketball.

  5. FadedRecluse

    Russ has been the spark this team needed, the whole nba media clowned this move, but he’s been nothing but brilliant for what we needed.

  6. Dreamvilleunc

    It’s lebron fanbase they are the ones that gave all that hate because lebron for some reason thought Russ would be a good fit with his game knowing they both need the ball in their hands, lebron has the most toxic fan base they followed him from Cleveland to everytime he’s been to and will go to in the future. Russ is a beast on both sides of the ball and it’s showing once again he’s in a position with a team where he can control the pace. Most real basketball fans were saluting Russ when he was MVP and putting up insane basketball numbers.

  7. FuckinArrowToTheKnee

    Russ and KD have definitely buried the hatchet and love to hate CP3 but dude is called point god for a reason. Russ and KD to expansion Sonics for a retirement tour?

  8. Thirteen26

    Bulls fan here. Legit question to Clippers fans: Do you ever get mad that Kawhi always seems to be unavailable? Seriously, no shade at Kawhi. But when l saw he was going to miss today’s game, l thought about all the load management and previous injuries. Here, for us, it’s Lonzo Ball. The short time he was healthy, 2 seasons ago, we were leading the East. Without him, our entire team dynamic changed.

  9. elastic301

    Only dumbasses hate on Russ. Bro does some bonehead shit but he gives it 200% and balls regardless no matter what

  10. TheRealChipSkylark5

    Lakers fans are the biggest fuckin clowns, followed by the media that sucks on that Laker nut

  11. They are being nice because they know the series is over

  12. ImmaFunGuy

    Who getting moved for Russ though? Can’t be kawhi or PG

  13. SongYoungbae

    As a Wizards fan I wanted Russ to stay in D.C, not only did he drag our sorry ass franchise to a first round appearance he was super good for our young guys. Russ probably was a huge reason Rui ended up on the Lakers.

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