@Philadelphia 76ers

Jacque Vaughn after falling to the 76ers

Brooklyn Nets head coach Jacque Vaughn after falling to the 76ers in the playoffs. Subscribe for daily sports videos!

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  1. For all the bad that happened Brooklyn needs to establish consistency going forward and coach Vaughn has done an admirable job just pushing this team to go past their limits and play competitive basketball…

  2. You're fired! This team's a disgrace! Second consecutive year being swept like that! Clean House! 😡

  3. nets deserved to be swept. they knew they couldnt match up against the sixers unless they played dirty

  4. Outrebounded every single night and too stubborn to sign big guys

  5. Cam Thomas had like 4, 40 point games this season tied with Kyrie and Durant I think and got no playing time. I know he doesn't really share the ball and is not the best on defense but sometimes you need offense.

  6. Lol they can walk around the borough of Brooklyn proud that they got swept

  7. It's ok Nets atleast you still got the Knicks to watch 😂

  8. JV had my vote of confidence when Nash first left. But after this lack of performance I'm not so sure about his tenure here. Forcing Dinwiddie on the fans when he's clearly playing out of position. Insisting on playing Noey Buckets. Iso – Brick, Iso – Brick, Iso… time and again! WTH!? Where were the drawn up plays coach? JV indeed…

  9. JV i never understood why the hell you played joe & seth so damn much.. together… Yet you bench Yuta a guy who actually hustles, hits 3s, makes winning plays smh

  10. This guy is so full of shit. He coached an absolute horrible series. No adjustments. Run some sets, stop shooting the 3. You were getting good looks from 25 ft because you weren't making them, so they took everything away except that, but every post game, you come out and say we missed wide open 3s. You were outplayed in every aspect and made no adjustments. You lost to a much better team and never once gave them credit for just being better than you. Clown show.

  11. This is a joke. To passive of a coach and not the right voice for the team. To lose a elimination game w/ no embiid. Just looks like they gave up.

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