@Toronto Raptors

Pensare Basketball is delusional

Pretty much every reputable source including MASAI himself hinted at how bad Scottie’s off-season was last season and how much he slacked off thinking shit was sweet after winning ROTY and we got this guy pushing awful narrative propaganda everyday like that video above. Worst part is that I reckon Scottie has ties to this guy cos he managed to get an interview with his trainer .

by Preler78


  1. Just tell us what he said, I’m not watching the video to find out

  2. OguguasVeryOwn

    > Pretty much every reputable source including MASAI himself hinted at how bad Scottie’s off-season was last season and how much he slacked off thinking shit was sweet after winning ROTY

    Show us these reputable sources. Because I think it’s a bunch of bullshit meant to scapegoat Scottie, and this idiot Pensare is actually right about this.

    This is from Grange’s article last October:
    > From the beginning of May until the end of the NBA Finals, Barnes trained twice a day with Macon, on top of strength workouts he did separately. It was a heavy load, but then again Barnes had a lot on his to-do list.

  3. sllegal

    I think the evidence is more that Scottie had an ineffective off-season than that he slacked off. Training as a pro is different than training while in high school/college. It can take rookies some years to discover the best way to train in the summer. I also think that Scottie’s class of rookies were less mature than usual because they spent the year and a half prior to the draft dealing with COVID lockdowns and restrictions.

    However I do agree that Pensare is full of shit.

  4. nin_culus

    I watched it he made good points i don’t see reputable sources saying he slacked unless you consider Doug smith(via david thorpe) is reputable. Glad hes calling out the media

  5. OGnotAnunoby

    I just watched the first 15 minutes I can see why ppl dont like this pensare guy he seems full of himself

  6. peroper7

    I’m more inclined to blame his conditioning than anything else he did, he needs to keep his motor higher throughout the games. He might not have been working on the right skills, or prioritized something that didn’t materialize, we don’t know.

    I’m sure he worked out a lot, but maybe not to the degree pascal does, him and OG are known as monsters in that department.

  7. ColdDarkSpace

    Stop man you sound crazy . You and doug need to get a room. Scottie had 2 workouts everyday, was on a diet program and was doing strength and conditioning. Results didn’t show in his 2nd season but to question his commitment is comical . Jayson Tatum also had a notoriously questionable sophomore season . Im sure celtics beat writers had hit pieces on him questioning his commitment too .

  8. 1DapperRaptor

    Honestly.. watch the video he makes more sense than any of the media shit talkers that are putting Scottie down.

  9. alinozakaza

    My man said the organization can’t treat Scottie like Pascal and others because he is a top 5 pick, and if Scottie got people like pensare around him he is going to be Ben Simmons 2.0

  10. SadOpportunity9825

    Pensare is the joke of all jokes. One of the biggest frauds I’ve ever seen. Search his name. There’s a thread with evidence where he claims everything from running a hedge fund to being a scout for the Blazers to being a model for Abercrombie & Fitch.

    Edit – not wading into the content of the post re: Scottie or even watching the video. I’m a huge Scottie fan. My comment is more about how Pensare is like the Jacob Wohl of basement dwelling ring light YouTube dorks.

  11. n3moh0es

    funny thing is dude hates siakam but scott has the same flaws and will likely be a similar player to siakam lol

  12. Ecstatic-Buy-2907

    This is just stupid. Development isn’t linear. You rarely see basketball players with poor work ethic, because of how much those players had to work just to get to the nba. His bad season may be a cause of not working on the right things, inconsistent roles on the team or just the usual “sophomore slump”, but usually they figure things out.

    Also when did Masai call out Scotties work ethic? I could see him calling out Scottie for not being as good as he thought he would be in his second year, but as I pointed out, is not directed towards his work ethic

  13. 22Skidoo11

    Pensare is an extremely delusional person. Please do not post his stuff here and give it anymore attention.

    Also you are being extreme as well, and taking a couple of comments to mean he “slacked off”. Wanting Scottie to improve his off-season work doesn’t mean it was awful. Just that it can get better.

  14. pikachuda6

    OP is delusional, all the reports have shown Scottie has worked his ass off during the off-season. You can remove this post Doug Smith.

  15. Seanbig888

    I think he worked too hard along with the Rico runs leading to everyone in the getting injury at one point or another

    Scottie needs to train smarter not harder and save his Ankles

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