@Milwaukee Bucks

[GAME THREAD] Our Milwaukee Bucks (1-2) visit the Miami Heat (2-1) for game four of their Eastern Conference quarterfinals playoff series – 6:30 p.m. central time – 04/24/2023


[Gaem dey thread](none?).
**Go Bucks.**

by GreekAlphabetSoup


  1. MinimumMidnight1687

    At least we’re still up but sheesh

  2. Reggieheathcliff

    I think the biggest concern is that Jimmy has been an entire UNIVERSE better than Khris and Jrue combined.

  3. Mustard_Jam

    Bud may be the only coach in these playoffs what wouldn’t double Butler at this point with a bunch of other bots on the floor with him.

  4. Skinny____Pete

    We need someone like Crowder, that aint gonna do shit anyway, to start fucking fouling butler hard.

  5. AbbreviationsHot4482

    Bud watched us sweep Miami last year because Giannis guarded Butler the entire series and decided let’s put Jrue and Ingles on him 🤣🤣

  6. Mr_Belch

    I would like to motion for a rule change next season. Anyone with the name Jimmy Butler is banned.

  7. realmarcusjones

    Butler being 9/10 and still up 5, not too bad

  8. cookster123

    This team is not playing together at all. How can a squad with that much playoff experience show up like this?

  9. WeefBellington24

    Dude what the fuck is with the Heat

  10. DexTheHex

    Gas Butler, have him struggle to score every basket, have him guard every player. He can’t keep it up forever

  11. MacDemarcoMurray

    i like how we ran one good play with the Ingles/Jrue PnR then stopped running plays

  12. 34FearTheDeer34

    We’re only up 5…Cody Zeller is on the floor for the other team………

  13. JohnJayMaxwell

    Q1: Whose heart is pounding harder: r/MkeBucks or Jimmy’s?

  14. ANDYtehROO

    Biggest fucking offensive foul against Lowry lol

    Alright, I’m really happy we’re infront at QT considering Jimmy is just making everything heavily contested or not

  15. B1ueEyesWh1teDragon

    Giannis clearly looking a little limited so far. Butler can’t miss and the Heat are still losing. I want to say I’m not worried but based on everyone else’s play….

  16. millerlitebeer

    Jimmy is physically incapable of playing at this pace for 48 minutes. His body will give out lmao

  17. KuchEconomy

    bucks and letting opponent stars turn into gods

  18. damblack007

    The lack of adjustment is astounding

  19. PowerVeg

    Jrue needs to stop taking so many pull-up 3s…crazy how he completely forgets how to shoot every playoffs

  20. awbobsaget

    How are the announcers able to pronunciate anything with the collective heat players dicks in their mouths?

  21. AnotherGeeksFan

    Make Butler run. Make him fight for every shot. Even if he makes them, they take a toll. Heat doesn’t have anyone else scoring.

  22. 1998TimThomas

    Bud is going to be the death of me

  23. damblack007

    Same way Trey turned into a God in the conference finals…

  24. AnonymousFroggies

    Butler going OFF and we’re still up. Pretty damn good basketball!

  25. cookster123

    I think we win 3-4 rings if we had pulled the trigger on the Middleton Butler trade when he was asking out of Minnesota

  26. grudgepacker

    Bud expecting prime Jimmy to suddenly regress back to his mean on offense is exactly why analytics-based coaching fails

  27. NippleSqueezer421-

    Jimmy has 22 of there 28, he won’t keep this up.

  28. Fluffy-Way-2365

    Commentator didn’t just say that the Bucks survived Jimmy Butler when he is the only reason they are not getting blown out. What is this clown.

  29. DrunkBucksFan

    The way Bud just allows star players to do this without making any adjustments is mind blowing. He almost let KD beat us single handedly a couple years ago.

  30. faatgay

    Yall gonna win bruh. Historic first quarter from jimmy and still down 5. Pat riley is a fraud

  31. I really don’t fucking mind about Butler. We won’t lose from one player. Eventually he will stop making every fucking shot while the rest of the team will be cold as fuck. We got this game. Giannis is a cyborg. Bucks in 6.

  32. Plate-of-salty-fries

    Force all offence through Jimmy and make him work on defensive end seems to be buds plan. Energy management is an interesting strategy.

  33. undermon

    No way Jimmy Butler keeps making shots like this all game while guarding Giannis. He’s good but right now he’s playing like an MJ and Kobe fused clone with aimbot cheat codes

  34. icanruinyourlife

    We have a 5 point lead after an offensive explosion by jimmy butler. Lol, I think we might be okay.

  35. No_Macaroon_9084

    From reading this thread alone, you would have absolutely no idea the Bucks are in fact up by 5.

  36. damblack007

    If Jimmy is their entire offense…make him a passer

  37. bigpuffyclouds

    Is Butler on pharmaceuticals of the doping kind? How does a “questionable” for tonight do that?

  38. ANDYtehROO

    Can someone tell me why these guys are the 8 seed


    Bucks are ahead but sure let’s show a fucking highlight reel of Bulter. Puke

  40. Fluffy-Way-2365

    I actually dont think our defense has been bad at all. It’s basically butler having a career quarter.

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