@Milwaukee Bucks



by StabYourBloodIntoMe


  1. WeefBellington24

    This reminds me of when the Bucks snatched that game from the Celtics last year. Except it wasn’t against a depleted Miami team being carried hard.

  2. crowd79

    Only if I had put money on Miami to win with 6 minutes to go. Damn lol.

  3. jstew262

    This team has such an issue closing out quarters. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th it doesn’t matter. They always let the other team go on a big run and take the momentum. Just a wildly inconsistent team every single year.

  4. DWelbeckUnrealVision

    Popovich was the king of knowing when to call timeouts. He always cut the momentum.

    Bud is the opposite of that.

  5. rafamundez

    I just don’t understand how you don’t double team Jimmy the rest of the game after the 1st Q.

    2x COTY Bud(weiser): 🤔 *hmm… looks like Jimmy is on fire and is on pace to score 60.*

    2x COTY Adjustment: “Jrue, you’re 1-on-1 defense against Jimmy only. ”

    2x COTY Reaction: *SurprisePikachu.jpg* 😮 *when Jimmy drops 57*

  6. TopOfTheMorning2Ya

    Clearly this graph hasn’t watched Bucks playoff basketball before … we were 75% at best with 5 minutes to go

  7. Henchman_2_4

    Bud always has the look of a lost kid at the mall. Probably the same playoff basketball game plan as well.

  8. Fluffy-Way-2365

    If you look real close, you can see coach Budenloser’s face in that graph

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