@Portland Trail Blazers

The Blazer off-season plan

According to Josh Lloyd of Locked On Basketball Podcast (who has been spot on about blazer stuff in general since he has insights into the organization somehow), here is what he has outlined the blazer off season will likely look like.

\- Dame is staying. Nothing suggests Dame wants to leave and the organization is preparing to go all-in with him this off season.

\- We are definitely trading our first-round pick if it’s not Victor.

\- The target guys on the blazer list include Embiid, Jaylen Brown, Bridges, Siakam. Blazers do not think OG will be worth the package. Draymond is someone to keep an eye on although he won’t be the center piece of the off-season moves.

\-The said package will include Anfernee Simons, Nasir little/Nurkic, top-7 pick this year (unless it’s a 1st), multiple future firsts and seconds for a big-name star.

\-Grant is very likely to resign. His contract will be in the neighborhood of 5/$150.

\-Blazers are looking to move Nurkic. He is impactful on the court, but blazers seem to be ready to move on from his locker room presence, attitude, and fitness in general. Look to see a new face starting at the 5.

\-Shaedon Sharpe is definitely starting next year. Blazers have no intention of him playing as the sixth man.

So, a potential starting lineup could be: Dame/Sharpe/Bridges/Grant/Draymond.

Here is the link to the full-video: [\_channel=LockedOnFantasyBasketball](

by illogicalkilla


  1. UnifiedChungus666

    All for this other than going after Draymond.

    If a big trade doesn’t materialize, the Blazers should keep the pick and pivot to a proper rebuild.

    Don’t trade Sharpe.

  2. Dadd_io

    If we sign Draymond I quit watching. I can find lots of better things to do than watch that dick play basketball.

  3. hotcheeselou

    Thanks for writing this up. Pretty much aligns with what we’ve been hearing all along but helpful to have it laid out. Any trade Dame “rumors” are 1000% bullshit until we hear otherwise, which won’t happen until the offseason is over. I’ll choose to ignore anything that says otherwise and not feed into that nonsense

  4. Illmatic414Prodigy

    Y’all should really try for bridges and siakam🤷🏾‍♂️use Sharpe, Nurkic and future picks to get Siakam. Simons, and top 7 pick to get bridges. Is it enough I don’t know but you are a 5 seed at best with only one big acquisition.

  5. GuyIncognito211

    All off that makes sense

    Doubt we will be able to move off of Nurkic unfortunately but I’m glad the front office are as tired of him as I am

    Not sure about Sharpe starting if we’re trying to be legit contenders but hopefully I’m wrong

  6. TheHolliday1

    Imagine trading a top 5 pick and Simons and still not winning a title. Way to ruin your future.

  7. sean_buttcannon

    I might be alone, but man I would love Draymond. Legit the epitome of “love him if you have him, hate him if you don’t”. Excellent defender, insane BBIQ, would fit sooowell. I just don’t know how willing golden state would be letting him go.

  8. KeystoneJesus

    My take for each lotto scenario:

    * #1: Take Victor.
    * #2: Take Scoot and trade Dame.
    * #3 – #7: Trade the pick for a veteran difference maker such as Bridges.

  9. KeystoneJesus

    Nice summary OP, looking forward to listening.

  10. Kten_00

    Ppl forget that Green is a top 5 defensive player in the league rn, i would love have him, fr.

  11. ohmygodbeats7

    I am happy to hear about Nurkic. I’ve been over him for the last two years.

  12. DavidZacharyYT

    If Dame, Shaedon, and Jerami are 3 out of the 5, we better have a dang good wing defender and dang good rim protector to round us out. Also, there’s no reason Shaedon shouldn’t be a solid defender as he develops.

    On another note, for Embiid to be available it has to get real ugly in Philadelphia and Shaedon would have to be a part of that package.

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