@Atlanta Hawks

Anyone else feel like this about today’s game? It’s been good y’all.

Anyone else feel like this about today’s game? It’s been good y’all.

by GetLeBronHelpLakers


  1. Both_Funny4896

    I know this season has been mostly frustrating but there have been some amazing moments as well. I’m just going to enjoy what could possibly be the last game of our season.

  2. burneyboi

    John “THE CLAWWWW” Collins with a career game tonight confirmed

  3. GonnaGetBumpy

    Finally come together as a team, and then get improbably rescued by some ATLiens to fight another day? I’m down.

  4. pakattak

    Either the season ends today or someone we didn’t expect explodes along side Trae.

  5. dangheckinpupperino

    I’m giving Trae a pass this game for what i think will be a rough game. Without Murray we will see a similar defensive scheme to what Miami did last year. This will probably be a very ugly loss and I’m not going to blame him unless he truly forces the issue

  6. PoorMansScoresse

    Start AJ, shake it up, pray he goes off with 3 pointers

  7. misteryu1029

    We always feel good about every game, until it happens

  8. Falcon224

    Feel like tonight will be the last night we see Trae in a Atlanta jersey

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