@National Basketball Association

LeBron James has never missed a playoff game due to injury

He has played 270 games which is more than anyone else in NBA history.

But he has never missed one where he could play. I think that is pretty amazing given how many super stars have been out. Last few years he has been hurt going into the playoffs, but he seems to suit up every game despite being close to 40.


by Accomplished_Worth


  1. Purplecstacy187

    10 straight seasons ending with lebron in the finals and not one missed playoff game in THAT stretch alone is crazy.

    Edit: 8 straight finals

  2. CrazyPersonXV

    Good way to jinx him . Go write something about kd , booker and cp3 , jokic needs all the help that he can get, considering his wrist is fking him over

  3. MasterTeacher123

    And dude was playing 41 plus mins a night in the playoffs too

  4. DirtyPlayerSuperfan

    He’s gonna miss one tonight if Dillon knows what he needs to do. 🤜🏽🍒

  5. Yergason

    He’s definitely played through undisclosed injuries but people will really act like this dude is soft and pretended to injure his hand in 2018 when it was clearly swollen

    He’s an ironman but with the load he’s always had to carry he’s definitely had to endure some. But also hilarious that the only actual injury we have knowledge of was because he punched a whiteboard because of JR Smith

  6. Dapper_Leave

    Sounds impressive, but then you also have to remember outside of recent years where he’s been load managing and injured due to age, LeBron doesn’t really miss games. Out here and there for “soreness” near the end of the regular season to have fresh legs for the playoffs, but for at least his first 15 years he was never actually injured. Also why his records are gonna be impossible to break, you’d have to put up his gaudy numbers and also never miss significant time, only big year where LeBron’s missing games before age 34 is the lockout season.

    Edit: Cause I was curious, it took LeBron 13 years to catch up to the number of games Jordan missed after his first two years

  7. KaiserKaiba

    He hasn’t been able to finish every playoff game, but he hasn’t missed any

  8. SliMShady55222

    He’s like a great version of Karl Malone

  9. UnsightlyMeat

    You fucking goober why would you post this NOW?

  10. Tex-Mexican-936

    Coach Lue has seen Kawhi miss 10 of 23 playoff games under his tenure.

  11. turtle_stank

    Why don’t other players do this? Are they stupid?

  12. zerglurker30

    He spends literally millions of dollars on his body, health, and nutrition. And it shows. He also thankfully got lucky not to get hit with some freak serious season ending injuries.

    We will *never* see another like him. Appreciate the greatness. We are all witnesses.

  13. ConfidentTomatillo65

    Dude if you jinxed this you are banned from California for life. Not even for a transit lmfao

  14. HiNeighbor_

    When I was little, my dad was a huge fan of Nolan Ryan. He played for the Rangers at the time and we lived in PA. I had no idea why he was a fan, so I asked him. He said he admired the fact that he was the same age (40s) and was still able to perform at a high level. I didn’t really understand this at the time. I thought you had to love the team closest to you and that was it.

    I’m the same age as LeBron. I get my dad’s sentiments now. I feel old and slow at 38. But in some small way, knowing the fact that LeBron is out there still kicking the spit out of teams … it makes me feel not as old.

  15. desirox

    Of all of Lebrons greatness, this is the thing I really think we’ll never see again. Superhuman durability

  16. OhlookSILLagain

    He just has a different mindset as far as conditioning goes.

  17. Skinnecott

    idk sure seemed to miss more than a couple games in that dallas series. couldn’t find him anywhere

  18. lazyfacejerk

    Didn’t he punch a wall after losing a game to the warriors and then play the rest of the series with a busted hand? And no one knew about it till after the series?

  19. coogs35

    My groggy ass read this as never missed a playoff game due to Jury duty

  20. TdotSkunt

    And people say Kawhi is up there with this man..smh

  21. ShwizherSweet

    What about when he sat for messing up his hand? Did he play then sit? If so then this is kinda misleading

  22. Carolake1

    He definitely wasn’t 100% against the Suns in 2021 and he definitely isn’t 100% right now. He is definttely moving differently now than he was a couple of months ago. That foot is definitely not 100%.

  23. glennromer

    When he retires he needs to be studied by scientists. He’s basically bulletproof and I’m not convinced his ankles aren’t just fused.

  24. RG2116509

    The best ever. Lebron is gonna torch Dillon Bricks again!

  25. Jesus, 3+ additional seasons worth of games.

  26. Miyagisans

    After the clippers/suns game 1, they were calling kawhi the “best playoff performer of the last decade”. I’m like, he hasn’t even been able to complete more than 3 playoff runs healthy, how can he be the best when he never plays? People get jaded to what lebron has done over his career. Never missing 1 playoff game with the amount of minutes and his style of play is absurd.

  27. floatersforalgernon

    Reminds me of another insane stat of another legend: Roger Federer played 1,526 singles matches and 223 doubles matches in his career and never retired during a match due to injury (something tennis players are wont to do).

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