@Atlanta Hawks

Most rational Boston fan

Most rational Boston fan

by traebucketsfor3


  1. DirtyGritzBlitz

    So he would be ok with OO or Capella body slamming Tatums bitch ass then.

  2. Time-Test8653

    And who on the Celtics has the strength to do that? Al Horfords weak ass?

  3. SirJoeffer

    Trae is the smallest weakest dude on the court full of nba players and people really get to comfortable thinking that just bc he’s small and weak compared to his seven footer peers means he’s like that compared to the average person.

    Just so weak to call for someone you don’t know but follow to beat someone else up you’ve never met lol like yeah ofc Tatum or Al could probably really hurt Trae if they wanted but I’m more interested in seeing Trae Young stand next to the guy who commented this lol you meet some rando off the street that is 6’1 and in great shape then he’s gonna be pretty intimidating to almost anyone but ppl out here acting like Trae is the son of Mugsy Bouges and Peter Dinklage

  4. They must hate it so much with smol skinny boi gets away with it AGAIN

  5. 88secret

    Dude has tripled down on this comment. Not just a clothesline but a late hit. Trash.

  6. C-Jammin

    If you think the only way to beat somebody is by injuring them, you lost.

  7. Suspicious-Policy-24

    And Trae still wouldn’t get the foul call. 🥺

  8. It got awfully quiet late in the fourth. The mic started picking up a woman yelling in the crowd. My favorite part was when she yelled “ref get off your knees you’re blowing the game” roughly one minute after Tatum tripped Hunter. Yes Boston, you are the ones in the right to complain about the reffing

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