@Phoenix Suns

UNDISPUTED – Suns finish off Clippers in Game 5; Ty Lue praises Westbrook | Skip & Shannon

UNDISPUTED – Suns finish off Clippers in Game 5; Ty Lue praises Westbrook | Skip & Shannon


  1. People said Skip hates Lebron, but that doesn't compare to his hate against Russ. Even though Russ was really good in 3-4 games of this series.

  2. Skip sounds jealous of Russ’s character that as a man he handles himself well and Skip is shady

  3. I think the Clippers should invite Russ back and I think Russ should want to be back. Clippers is a good fit for him and they have enough help around him.

  4. No Shannon, it is the Lakers fault. Stop the bs, it was a bad fit cuz Bron couldn't play faster. Russ does not play like molasses.

  5. If I'm Russ, I'm not returning to Clips because the 2 stars are always injured. It's gonna be a repeat of the same thing.

  6. Keep Russ and PG and get rid of Kawhi the team manager. Atleast Russ will play everyday and the fans would pay to see him.

  7. Westbrooks stats for the game were bad.
    If Stats didn’t matter Lebron wouldn’t make a big deal about it.

  8. Skip has something personal against Westbrook who always mentions that KD left Russ alone in OKC 😂😂😂

  9. Kawhi Leonard is playing with house money. He got a championship for him now it’s all about the money so he didn’t care about playing their last game.

  10. If Russ is willing to take a decent pay cut, he's still very serviceable and above average, but the truth is that he's the kind of player you live and die with, and take the good with the bad…If Russ was your 3rd/4th option on your team, he should be fine and his career can last a few more years.

  11. Clippers forever will suck
    Trash franchise
    Trash players and ownership
    Lakers are a real team

  12. Would ppl stop acting like the lakers didn’t add several ppl to make them better and not just Russ left lol

  13. A man whom averaged a triple double for almost two seasons and the stats scream "No no no"…. 🤔🤔…. Gotta love the media. Smh

  14. Did Ty Lue really just talk about him contributing to the “run” in the playoffs? They won 1 game 😅

  15. It caught up with Westbrook/ clippers game 1 3/19 on a win off a good defensive play on booker. Game 5 3/18 a 6 point loss. I wish Ty had pulled him this game. Because it was a elimination game. Not many NBA teams can overcome 3/18 . Just watching the highlights shows Westbrook was off. Ty should have told him stop shooting drive . To the basket score: get fouled: kick the ball out to the open teammate.!!

  16. I feel like Westbrook would have been an insane UFC fighter. Imagine him in the ring. He'd go insane 😂

  17. Tyron Lue wasn't talking to the media, he was talking to Kawhi, PG, West and Balmer. WE NEED GUYS WHO WILL BRING IT EVERY NIGHT!

  18. in my career??? really crumbled face, what career?? a career when you were allowed to stay at the courtside with your pencil and notepad or the career where you get to sit and say whatever you want least contested by an NHL Hall of Famer or the career when you efficiently score 1.2 pts per game coming off the washroom when your legendary coach brought in his son just because he was good??? which career, soon to be dead man?

  19. The Clippers what a disappointment where tf was Kawhi at 👀 guess he said fuck it I’m out 😂

  20. Russ is literally the only veteran that never ever cheats the game! The media trashed him for so long but the man's entertaining

  21. Man, it feels so rad seeing Ty Lue go home early in the playoffs. He's been using Westbrook really good so far.

    I've always said it, Westbrook even in a poor shooting night can still impact the game if used well by a really good coach.

  22. Hit Or Miss westbrooks always gives it his all …and even tho ima laker fan ,I would gladly pay for tickets to see him play bcuz you kno you getting your money worth

  23. Westbrook will probably move on. There's nothing for him in LA except death threats and media scorn.

  24. Clippers would have went to finals if PG and kawhi was there. And skip would have ate his words. Skips prays for this mans downfall.

  25. Shannon now likes Russ that he’s off Lakers lol dude ruined the Clippers – point blank

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