@Boston Celtics

[Defector] FBI Releases Bill Russell Investigation Files, Slanders The Dead

[Defector] FBI Releases Bill Russell Investigation Files, Slanders The Dead

by neilyoung_cokebooger


  1. neilyoung_cokebooger

    (I didn’t know which flair to use, because this is sorta news but also really it isn’t news)

  2. ImeStopPlayingDennis

    the fbi killed Fred Hampton couldn’t give a fuck what they gotta say about Russell

  3. peekysnoob

    The FBI is a terrorist organization, what else is new. Enemy of the people.

  4. frauenarzZzt

    The FBI has a history as shameful as America’s. The fact that they got butthurt over Bill Russell’s very existence is emblematic of the struggle he faced throughout his time in Boston and elsewhere.

    He was a great person who had to overcome a lot and deserved better, but one of the few people that can say they genuinely got up and left the world a better place than they found it in.

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