@Houston Rockets

KPJ showed up to Ime Idoka press conference

KPJ was in the front row during the press conference sitting next to Comets legend Sheryl Swoopes

by rocketsforlife42


  1. htownballa1

    Player at home during off season shows for press conference. Shocker.

  2. Pizzachomper874

    I really like this pairing ngl. Not necessarily for the on court improvement we’ll almost definitely see, but because these are both guys who’re being given a second chance. Hopefully that brings these two together and creates something amazing

  3. dbanda87

    I think that’s a small gesture but goes along way to show how invested KPJ is. It shows maturity and leadership because as a young millionaire he could be anywhere in the world right now since it’s the offseason.

  4. GiftedStrumpet

    ‘Please don’t trade me’

    ‘I won’t, but you are getting benched’

  5. KDs_FakeAccount

    Teacher pet head azz 😂.

    Nah KPJ about to cook next year once he not running PG

  6. LeHoustonJames

    Honestly excited for kpj. Don’t think he’s the the future pg team but has the tools to fit into a great offense.

  7. DrBigChicken

    This shows a lot of maturity. Beginning of some good things for next year and going forward

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