@Houston Rockets

KPJ post press conference

Really cool to have a player that loves the organization and city so much. I’m really rooting for him to continue improving.

by samspeachcakes


  1. dbanda87

    Saw that KPJ was at the press conference. Interesting the relationship he has with the Fertitias. Looks like it’s going to be hard to trade him anytime soon. I like KPJ as a player just not as a PG but maybe he plays the 3 next year.

  2. medical_cat

    Whatever man just win basketball games

  3. htownballa1

    Off season is the time to get away and reset after a grind of a season. Sengun is chilling in Cesme, Jalen was at Coachella, KPJ just chillin in Htown.

    My biggest problem with KPJ was the attitude and mental mistakes such as quitting on the team and leaving the stadium. I was pleasantly surprised at how he handled himself throughout all the criticism he’s received (some of it well deserved, some not).

  4. Reeko_Htown

    Cool. Accept everything Coach tells you like a loving parent

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