@Philadelphia 76ers

On this day I choose to be happy for the friends we made along the way.

On this day I choose to be happy for the friends we made along the way.

by MotivationalMike


  1. CrescentMilkPhase

    Can we please stop? This is like a dude obsessing over a girl he went on two dates with.

  2. Appropriate-Sun834

    Can we stop with the damn Jimmy Butler posts in here?

  3. mrHartnabrig

    Nah, I’m going to be a hating a*s n@gga today. Please…. stop.

    Where’s all this free energy for our guys when they’re in the dumps?! Our team go down three in a regular season game and dudes are ready to blow the whole season up. Keep this same Jimmy Buckets-lovin energy for our squad.

  4. ToxicElitist

    This just seems like you posting ads since you chose an image that is an actual ad.

  5. SonicdaSloth

    I love this dude. His first game back in Philly I was lucky enough to be on the floor when the teams took the floor. I was on Miami side and Jimmy took in all the boos, dapped up all the Philly fans on his way out and took his ass kicking that night like a man. Said afterwards that their turn would come and damn if he wasn’t right.

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