@Chicago Bulls

Today in Chicago Bulls history (4/27/97), MJ drops 55 on the Washington Bullets.

Today in Chicago Bulls history (4/27/97), MJ drops 55 on the Washington Bullets.

by numbuhonestunnuh


  1. Gudawin

    My brother in christ this is r/bulls . If you wanna post Jimmy Butler so bad try to do it on r/heat

  2. hammert0es

    This was the game that MJ and Wennington “combined for 57”, correct?

  3. the29thyaya

    doing his best jimmy butler impression

  4. safetydance

    Bring back the “NBA Playoffs” floor stickers you cowards!

  5. greatwhitenorth2022

    In my lifetime, I’ve seen: the Bulls win 6 NBA Championships, the Blackhawks win 3 Stanley Cups, the 85 Bears win the Superbowl, the Sox and Cubs each win a World Series.

    Who will be the next Chicago team to win it all?

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