@Minnesota Timberwolves

[Jon Krawczynski] Anthony Edwards’ attorney says his client “intends to vigorously defend against these baseless charges.”

[Jon Krawczynski] Anthony Edwards’ attorney says his client “intends to vigorously defend against these baseless charges.”

by irishace88



    He’s right. Denver PD should not have charged him. It’s very clearly a money grab that the security guards had no idea there was a video… That’s why the article that came out made it sound like a WWE event, they wanted his money.

  2. skolaen

    This is the one of most clear money grab situations ever. Hope the people suing dont win anything and get stuck having to pay for lawyer chargers

  3. soft-cookie

    Good shit, blatant money grab. Ant and Jaden need to learn to control their passion going forward

  4. srry_didnt_hear_you

    On the plus (down?) side, Ant has an excuse not to participate in exit interviews, and we don’t have to bring up *the Instagram thing* 😬

  5. twinsguy1

    Most of that is right, although I disagree that the chair obstructed his exit, or that all he did was set it down.

    He didn’t swing the chair AT anyone, but he certainly did swing the chair.

    The assault charge is complete and utter bullshit though

  6. thedrcubed

    He shouldn’t have thrown the chair but Jesus Christ do the police really need to be involved?

  7. KickerofTale

    They get 1 bag of hot fries each or they can kick rocks.

  8. YvesSa1nt

    Good. Whoever is pressing charges lacks any modicum of self respect.

  9. Holy-Crap-Uncle

    Next up: Oh you fell out of bounds on me chasing a loose ball. ASSAULT.

    Also, Ant should file charges against the stadium for unsafe working conditions.

  10. Able-Bodied-Virgin

    If what happened was made known to the Wolves organization, I genuinely believe there would have been an apology from Ant for the accident and some kind of gesture. Instead they deadass got the police involved and this story is blowing up everywhere. Ant and his team are probably heated and are going to fight this until it’s dead.

  11. JazzFinsAvalanche

    After seeing the video this is absolute insanity. Like all you gotta do is watch that and it’s a closed case lol.

  12. mighthavetolitigate

    The Denver officer that cited this should be f’ing embarrased and I highly doubt the prosecutor will pursue it. Criminal recklessness requires the conscious disregard of the risks involved and their obviousness and seriousness. This was a heat of the moment act in a walkway where Ant was in control of the chair at all times and happened to graze someone nearby. . It’s not like Ant was flinging chairs over his shoulder and into the stands. This was at worst civil negligence.

    Source: Archbold Criminal Pleading, Evidence and Practice: Recklessness on the part of the doer of an act presupposes that there is something in the circumstances that would have drawn the attention of an ordinary prudent individual to the possibility that his act was capable of causing the kind of serious harmful consequences that the section that created the offence was intended to prevent, and that the risk of those harmful consequences occurring was not so slight that an ordinary prudent individual would feel justified in treating them as negligible. It is only when this is so that the doer of the act is acting “recklessly” if, before doing the act, he either fails to give any thought to the possibility of there being any such risk or, having recognised that there was such a risk, he nevertheless goes on to do it.

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