@National Basketball Association

Tatum: “I know the narrative of we was supposed to sweep them or it’s supposed to a cakewalk but that’s why the playoffs are so special…. And I would say up to this point the playoffs hasn’t went as everybody would expect.”

Tatum: “I know the narrative of we was supposed to sweep them or it’s supposed to a cakewalk but that’s why the playoffs are so special…. And I would say up to this point the playoffs hasn’t went as everybody would expect.”

by ImeStopPlayingDennis


  1. cancerballs69420

    Chill out with the measured takes Jayson. Get up there and call Trae young a bitch or something

  2. WayOk2354

    Extremely polite way to refer to recent events, that’s our guy

  3. icantreadmorsecode

    Has there been a controversial or even just badly put statement from JT?

  4. sstphnn

    As usual, another uncontroversial statement from an uncontroversial player.

  5. ahnyudingslover

    Historical grammar errors per 48 minutes

  6. OfferOk8555

    Seems like a nice human being but that put back dunk put hate in my heart. I was thinking maybe Game 7 till then tbh.

  7. fultzacl

    Yawn… Give me Woke Jalen over Boring Jayson.

  8. Holiday_Driver_923

    I mean the sixers had a cakewalk speak for yourself jason

  9. VJOCopCity

    Jalen Brunson should have a jacket like that.

  10. iamMaus_fr0m_Jupiter

    This guy is too mild-mannered.

  11. McNasti

    As a non native speaker: is “hasnt went” correct? It sounds really weird

  12. Son_of_Atreus

    Hawks played damn well, you gotta factor that in. I was not prepared for the high level of basketball they played as a unit.

  13. GiftedHater7

    i feel like this guy’s speaking voice is so forced

  14. thehopefulsquid

    Get outta here with these reasonable takes!

  15. mhj0808

    Yeah I totally didn’t see Philly getting past Brooklyn, you’re right JT

  16. JazzLobster

    *haven’t gone as everybody would expect, Jayson.

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