@Philadelphia 76ers

Why James Harden Is Still Nearly Impossible To Defend | JJ Redick and Trey Murphy

In this clip, JJ Redick and Trey Murphy (The New Orleans Pelicans) talk about various shooting techniques and what makes someone like James Harden (The Philadelphia 76ers) so tough to defend.

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  1. Your defense on SGA was amazing. I'm a oklahoma fan and I think you should join the thunder

  2. so grateful for this podcast. we actually get real insight into the league we never got before

  3. what a great chat! I would love to hear more conversations about shooting craft and James Harden. As others have mentioned, a Harden interview would be amazing.

  4. I've always wondered why players who struggle at the free throw line take so much time on their foul shots. Seems like they'd probably shoot a higher percentage if they just take the ball from the ref and shoot normally.

  5. Carmelo could score in so many ways, especially when he went to New York and spent time with his back to the basket. James Harden is one the craziest scorers ever. Those two always stuck out to me

  6. and trey murphy is wrong here, kobe and jordan shot line drives for midrange, and they also only jumped high for fadeaways, never for a set shot. you never jump high for a set shot

  7. If James harden is do unguardeble why is he barely averaging 20ppg this year and how come he hasn't won yet? James harden is one of the most overrated players recently, they change the personal fauls rules and he ain't getting his stupid FT anymore

  8. Right before I shoot I whisper ā€œfloatā€ to myself so I remind myself to float the ball over the rim šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

  9. When Harden was in Houston averaging 35ppg he was phenomenal. When he went to Brooklyn and was dropping 12 assists per game like it was nothing I just thought if this guy played point his entire career heā€™d have been something else. Like what people think Lukaā€™s ceiling is, is PG Harden

  10. I feel this. You need two different shots one for 3 and other for mid. Plus shooting from three with more legs gets tiring after while.

  11. It is impossible for James Harden to defend. He deserves no talk about all-time greatness. The Kobe, Kareem, Jordan, Bill Russell's of the world played hard on both ends. Harden does half the work, and relied on weak fouls and travelling to do even that.

  12. going 2 /20 in a lot of games..
    he has more horrible games then normal games…gets bailed by FT that are rigged by refs with an agenda

  13. I appreciate this pod because as a basketball fan that never played on any level seriously, I've learned so much and have been introduced to some amazing talent.

  14. And this is why Steph is the goat. He doesn't need tricks. It's worked against him cause no superstar has ever shot less FTs but he's definitely made it work.

  15. meanwhile JJ is the opposite of what he was talking about shooting , JJ be running full sprint, fully jump vertically or offbalance and releasing it perfectly with proper mechanics

  16. I had no idea who Trey Murphy was prior to these clips. I'm a fan now though, something about him seems so organically pure.

  17. This what sports media should be instead all that ā€œtrade him fire him hes soft he should play in chinaā€ talk

  18. I disagree with Trey here. Long range shots are all legs, and not a lot of arms. And to infuse that into the release means you don't jump as high. Then it's just a little bit of arms (he said, "a lot of arms, also"). But midrange is all arms because you want to get up high in order to get your shot off, which means you aren't transferring your leg energy into the shot, instead you're transferring that energy into your elevation, so that you can hit an "all arms" shot.

  19. NBA tv need to give you a slot bro, the way you talk ball with your guests and just personally, we need takes/reporting like this not that first take undisputed bs

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