@Los Angeles Lakers

Is that what having depth feels like? We had 5 different leading scorers in 6 games.

Is that what having depth feels like? We had 5 different leading scorers in 6 games.

by gdghunter06


  1. brandoi

    LeBron played such a garbage series to his standard and we still largely dominated the series. This is offensive depth that we didn’t even have on the 2020 team.

  2. LudwigNasche

    Davis can give it all on D because he knows this team have many players that at a higher or lesser degree are able to put the ball in the basket, but we need him to be our defensive ace.

  3. BernardoDeGalvez

    I was thinking the same yesterday.

    That’s perfect

    Whatever happens, we need to run it back with the same crew

  4. nova2006

    Top 7 is very good who can be the 8th man in the rotation? Beasley TBJ struggled. Walker reminds a bit of Monk last year. He couldn’t get any minutes.

  5. random-50

    AD carries the whole defence. Whoever has the best matchup / hot hand handles the offence.

  6. Lucieddreams

    Just imagine if we coulda kept Monk 😭😭 sheeeesh

  7. Russel looked like the exciting, explosive intelligent player we saw his first couple games this year. I was blown away how good he was with no in game experience with a new team.

  8. incredibleamadeuscho

    Every win a different player showed out

  9. That’s pretty wild that Lebron only led in scoring once

  10. Adam2190

    Such a relief knowing we don’t need LeBron and AD both scoring 25+ each game to win. AD being able to use most of his energy on the defensive end is such a luxury.

  11. Rokarion14

    Lately it feels like if we shoot semi decent we’re going to win. If we short shitty, we still might win? Feels good.

  12. RedLicoriceJunkie

    It also shows they don’t need one guy to “go off” to win.

    You can’t just shut down one guy and shut down the offense.

  13. WritewayHome

    Thank God we got away from Russell, the depth we have today is because of the cap space we gained from tanking him.

    When my two favorite players joined forced and added my least favorite player, I knew it was going to be bad, hoping for the best, and glad that cloud is finally gone.

  14. Eric_T_Meraki

    Bron didn’t even avg 30 this series too.

  15. Eduar103

    Honestly this might be more a case of casual sandbagging.

  16. TorontoRaptors34

    I understand Harden going to BK changed the dynamic of the league but tbh I never understood why tf they thought getting a ball dominant superstar that wasn’t a free agent and a bunch of old guys was gonna win a championship. When we all know the formula for success was always Bron/AD and a bunch of solid role players. What’s special about DLO Reaves and RUI is they got an on and off ball game there youth and poise, and can play d too. It was the solution all along. Not to mention a good amount of size too that always helps.


    I’ll own up to it, I thought the team was doomed after not getting Kyrie. But this frankly seems much better.

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