@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] Down 19, Chris Paul goes for a hard foul on Jamal Murray

[Highlight] Down 19, Chris Paul goes for a hard foul on Jamal Murray

by Nyhrox


  1. JohnLemonnn69

    Boi getting toasted then went on to play his dirty tricks lmao

  2. Should have been a take foul imo but they dont even give denver that

  3. fulaxriders

    Dude gets worse the further he gets into the playoffs

  4. InfiltratorXP

    I’m surprised someone hasn’t pimp slapped the fuck outta CP for that bitch shit.

  5. Bigbaus33

    Paul has always been a little bitch. Flopping and being cheap


    Chris Paul is an all time sore loser. Dude always pulls some dirty shit like this when he’s down.

  7. joeveralls

    Does it anytime he’s pissed and getting killed

  8. Shame_Low

    Look at his eyes, Mofo wanted to just hurt Murray, fuck off dude

  9. juice--

    ill never complain in my life again if chris paul retires with 0 rings. never.

  10. Guwop25

    The replays actually show how he’s not even looking at the ball, and just waiting for the impact by Murray, he’s like a mini Draymond in that everytime they’re losing one of these ‘basketball’ plays will happen with a lot of contact

  11. cyb3ryung

    we all know cp0 is dirty but the media rarely if ever adresses it the way they do other guys

  12. Night_Hawk_

    I don’t think it’s a flagrant but my problem with it is that it’s definitely reckless. If it was a close game I could understand but the game is out of reach at this point. Paul is frustrated throwing one of his tantrums and Murray could have been injured.

  13. Direct_Ad6699

    This is exactly why I hate CP3. Unnecessary play when the game was out of reach. So glad he never won shit and will never win a ring.

  14. “Chris Paul deserves a championship” – 🤡

  15. Zazneri

    Why wasn’t this a take foul, or even a clear path foul? He just went with his shoulder first into Murray and not at the ball…

  16. listinglight778

    Oh look, Chris Paul doing Chris Paul things. Dirty sack of shit, I’m glad that he’s never going to win a ring

  17. kajustone

    He’s a clown and I hope he never gets a ring.

  18. Daft_Assassin

    Man, fuck Chris Paul. Straight up do not like that dude.

  19. G1Spectrum

    It was so confusing when r/nba was giving this guy his flowers after the 2021 Western Conference Finals

    Thankfully, Giannis got the job done

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