@Golden State Warriors

How we feeling Dub Nation?!

How we feeling Dub Nation?!

by ozboi83


  1. LarschH


    I’m fucking hyped

  2. popolenzi

    Scared as shit!!! I don’t wanna exit first round, I worry about our core splitting

  3. guesswhodat

    A lot happier seeing Jessica alba in a We Believe shirt…

  4. Endura3

    Big Game. Doesn’t get much better then this.

  5. Lucky7Lenny

    I have the 2007 NBA playoffs comcast version of it. Wearing it today!

  6. UseHyperBeamNow



  7. No_Hovercraft_848

    LETS GO WARRIORSSSS!!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  8. Thellamaking21

    Scott’s coming to save the day!

  9. Adventurous_Lime1049

    I was at that game in 2007. Had standing room tickets only, but two seats next to us were empty. Lucked out. Didn’t get a tee though.

  10. scrambled_cable

    Man if Jessica Alba was courtside, I’d ~~go off for a triple-double~~ clank everything

  11. MonsterOctopus8

    If I legitimately had to pick from the whole league the team who id most trust to win in a game 7 away from home I’d want our team. We got this.

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