@Atlanta Hawks

With the Hawks (and Kings) gone, who is the subreddit rooting for in the playoffs? Pic unrelated.

With the Hawks (and Kings) gone, who is the subreddit rooting for in the playoffs? Pic unrelated.

by rainbowdotz


  1. Bobgoulet

    Easily Denver.

    My 4 least favorite teams are the teams remaining in the East. I don’t need to see Lakers or Warriors win another, and I don’t care for the Suns.

  2. Tigerskippy

    Mostly rooting against teams at this point. It’s been rough. I was going Hawks-Kings-Cavs-Clippers. So yeah… Probably Nuggets. After that is Heat because I hate them, but I respect them (except Kyle Lowrie.) And while their fans suck, I don’t think they suck as much as Lakers, Warriors, Suns, Knicks, Celtics, or Philly’s. God I hate these playoffs so much.

  3. DripGodAirborne

    Denver. Easy team to root for, plus I’m a fan of MPJ. Wish he was on the hawks, Trae is his best friend.

    Shoutout Deandre hunter

  4. hawks-make-me-sad

    I want a Lakers vs Heat finals. 7 seed vs 8 seed. Bubble rematch.

  5. Future-Expression-44

    Personally, I want Nuggets vs Heat because I don’t like any of the teams left on the east side or the west side besides Denver.

  6. Hxghbot

    I guess the Nuggets but it’s a process of elimination really. I’ll be more excited to see teams lose than win salty as that sounds

  7. elpalomalo

    I don’t root for anyone but the hawks tbh

  8. cblocktherock

    I kinda want Bron to get another chip ngl and also fuck the Warriors. Apathetic to Denver and everyone else basically.

  9. Renverseur

    I stopped caring lol. I’m just rooting for this sub to produce quality off-season memes

  10. JulianRedditAccount

    Need LeBron to win #5. If not him then maybe Jimmy

  11. jleviw42

    Denver. Jokic and Murray are a great combo and fun to watch.

  12. PerfectCandy

    Boston winning would give more credence to our team, no? Still don’t want them to win lol just putting it out there. Personally hope Boston crashes and burns so ownership and FO is more motivated to make big changes in the summer

  13. Nayk47_

    6ers (yuck, but despite all the shit I like Embiid), Nuggets and Lebron’s Legacy

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