
The TALLEST High School Basketball Player That Was TOO SMALL For The NBA

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  1. So more people donโ€™t gotta askโ€ฆ.. HE WAS TOO SMALL IN TERMS OF WEIGHT. Being that tall and barely breaking 200lb thereโ€™s no strength to be had. At least not enough to compete against literally everyone else at his position in college and the NBA

  2. hes too fragile. heโ€™d get bodied all the time and a single screen from someone like steven adams would end his career

  3. Real life Slender man haha he needs to do a cycle why his coaches never gave him GH or something to bulk up they would rather give it to females trying to transition

  4. Sheesh heโ€™s skinny af !!! Dude only 70 more pounds then me but heโ€™s 2 FT taller ๐Ÿ˜ญ thatโ€™s just wild

  5. The only other player that Iโ€™ve heard of having scoliosis is Tmac(very minor in his back), but even he had his injury issues. This guy has a serious scoliosis problem and I know the nba will never touch him.

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