@Golden State Warriors

Draymond wants us to ‘appreciate the current’ Warriors & he lost respect for Domantas Sabonis | KJM

Draymond wants us to ‘appreciate the current’ Warriors & he lost respect for Domantas Sabonis | KJM

Keyshawn, JWill and Max discuss Draymond Green’s comments about the Warriors and preview the upcoming playoff series that pits Steph Curry against LeBron James.

0:00 Draymond Green’s recent comments
2:41 The LeBron James-Steph Curry matchup
6:50 How Curry changed the game
8:16 Should players need to shake hands at the end of games?


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  1. Don’t let this make you forget Bron never met Kobe in the finals when he got there, Celtics and Magic ran him out of town.

  2. Draymond loves him some Lebron. And the funny/sad part is, I dont think ive ever heard lebron mention draymond.

  3. Why is Draymond acting all big? The Kings are obvious a much better team and they were doing fantastic. The only main reason why GSW won game 7 and advance is because of Steph. If anyone deserves to act cocky, it should be Steph. Also, I dont think Draymond has the right to judge others like this for holding his leg when he himself retaliated by stomping on Sabonis chest which is fat worse. And also not to forget that he is also the one had kicked Steven Adams in his b*lls. Some people are too self-centered, rude and hypocrite. SMH……

  4. U cost me some extra checks by being knocked off in the playoffs,, ain't no handshaking on the court ,,, I need dat dough

  5. Did he have any respect for sabonis to begin with? He stomped sabonis like he had grudge against him

  6. Draymond wasn't asking for Sabonis to shake his hand, Draymond don't care about that. He was expecting Sabonis to be out there for the rest of the Warriors team and Coaches.

  7. Draymond such a clown 😂.. Steph prolly shakin his head “stop talkin dray” 😂

  8. Max still trying to defend his cliff theory is bewildering. Just let it go man, you messed up

  9. This is just Draymond making it about Draymond. He is telling us that he plays for people's respect, not for the love of the game.

  10. I’m just here to say that Draymond Green is and always has been the #3 or #4 player on his team, who minimally contributes to anything, and makes money by causing drama for the internet. Simple.

  11. Why did he mention Bron? Isnt he about to do battle?? He better put his klutch sport love to one side and play ball

  12. Draymond has the audacity to say he lost respect for Sabonis for not shaking his hand 😂😂😂 How about stomping on his chest and not giving two shits about it ??? He could've had broken ribs or lingering issues and Draymond was taunting the crowd celebrating it smh. He's a goon ! I worry about Reaves in this series because he likes picking on white boys… Austin better be on guard and ready because Draymond knows how important he is for the Lakers. One dirty play/broken leg or something can change everything. Green doesn't have any regard for anybody . He's like an OG that's been down for 20 years in the pen all full of rage and hate like the system failed him .

  13. Draymond Green giving sportmanship advice is like an a bankrupt businessman giving business advice. Your own teammate don't even want your congratulatory handshake.

  14. Lakers just have to keep the game close in the 4th. Curry's shot goes missing in clutch time.

  15. Sabonis doesn’t owe Draymond anything. Not everyone wants to trade jerseys and act like we are cool. Lebron and Brooks didn’t go out for a steak dinner together after this past game. Draymond didn’t own it. He was more mad he was suspended than he was apologetic for “accidentally” stomping on a dude.

  16. the problem is , yall jus dont like the messenger when it comes to the shaking hands thing. they drag lebron when he dont shake hands

  17. I feel bad for anthony davis. Draymond will injure him within 3 games at most. How anyone can respect him as a person is beyond me.

  18. Draymond does a lot of talking for a player who would likely be irrelevant on any other team.

  19. ya'll remember wade broke kobes nose, that was a dirty play, but kobe respected wade for it because he reached out to him.

  20. Well, I have to agree with Draymond on this one. Sabonis acted immature in this instance.

    Those with championship pedigrees don't just skulk off after such a fiery battle loss, and part of being great is taking it like a freaking man and showing the opponent that you're big enough to take a hit (loss) and come back harder next time you meet.

    It was a dangerous punk move to leg-grab Green, but also a punk move to cry about losing after all that.

  21. They wrong on sportsmanship.

    In Rugby league or Rugby union, no matter what happened on the field it stays on the field, you shake hands at the end as a sign or respect.
    in any sport, Sportsmanship teaches the youth and old to be fair and accept losses honorably.

  22. Dray was talking about how y’all so quick to crown the younger guys ..who’s the Face of the NBA?? ESPN favorite question… and stuff like that…. While the older guys are STILL winning and playing at a high level. When they leave …. We might not like this new talent they Rave about.

  23. Pro athletes don’t need to shake hands. These are full grown men making giant salaries not 7 year olds learning what sportsmanship is.

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