@Boston Celtics

GET UP | “Tatum, Celtics doomed by their defensive no-show in Game 1 loss to Sixers” – Brian

GET UP | “Tatum, Celtics doomed by their defensive no-show in Game 1 loss to Sixers” – Brian


  1. Sixers had no expectations to win??? Ummm according to outsiders yeah not our team! You outsiders don’t matter

  2. Lol at Tatum with that light skinned punk shit pushing Paul outta bounds then saying wat did I do? Psshh waving the ref off Lmao. I hate when players cry when they actually fouled smh just makes them look weak

  3. What do you mean no expectations?? Its the playoffs. Hes james Harden with the reigns. He expects to dominate. Gtfoh

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