@Boston Celtics

Malcolm Brogdon said the Celtics need to send a message in Game 2. What does that look like? “On the defensive end, coming out and getting stops, making it hard for ‘em. … We’re capable of keeping teams under 100 points. I think that’s what we should strive for.”

Malcolm Brogdon said the Celtics need to send a message in Game 2. What does that look like? “On the defensive end, coming out and getting stops, making it hard for ‘em. … We’re capable of keeping teams under 100 points. I think that’s what we should strive for.”

by horseshoeoverlook


  1. __TB12__

    This. Shooting 75% and only having a 3 point halftime lead was awful

  2. 2kballislife

    Your coach isn’t preaching if gotta take it into your own hand guys 👏🏼

  3. cahilljd

    Well at least we have *players* willing to say our defense has been a problem.

  4. thatgreik

    Time to flip the script on our defense. Love this energy.

  5. Drawing_The_Line

    I don’t think our problem is talking about what needs to be done, we’ve been very good at talking about what we’re doing poorly all season and what we need to do better, it’s the going out there and actually doing it part that we have seemed to struggle with. I appreciate his candor and honest assessment, but I just have doubts that they’re able to do it on the court, and if they are able to, I have less faith they’re able to do it in consecutive games.

  6. We know you’re capable, that was never in question. The question was always why tf are you guys not playing defense lol

  7. DoomdUser

    Ah yes. Saying the right thing and then doing nothing about it, the real Celtics endgame.

    Only slightly /s. This IS what they need to do, but I’d like to actually see it instead of hear it for once.

  8. AnakinSL337

    We needed to send a message like three games ago at least, however our defense looks is going to be an indication of how things will go going forward

  9. MrPahoehoe

    Oh dear, whenever we hear these stock answers about needing to do better….they usually do worse next game! Can we just go straight to energy being about to shift

  10. pwilkens

    This team probably has the highest defensive roster talent and ceiling. But the intensity is not there. They might dig in when guarding one on one. But they aren’t bringing up intensity as a group. Switching, scrambling, showing multiple bodies, peeling off to disrupt drives, getting into passing lanes.

    JB, JT, or any of these guys might move their feet with the best of them guarding one on one, but will watch when not on ball.

  11. iAmTheRealLange

    I just don’t understand it. Ime and the front office said the Joe was responsible for the defensive schemes last season. What the hell happened after he became head coach? The defense this year looks almost nothing like it did last season.

  12. lukasowski

    If we lose again i might just end it all man. Why do I even care so much. Im not even american smh

  13. NotFlipkid

    All talk until Philly makes a contested shot and the Celtics crumble again

  14. The “defense” on Monday was legit some of the worst I’ve ever seen in the NBA playoffs

  15. Ok_Seaweed_9452

    Lets get brogdon as our 6th man and coach as well lol

  16. truth_2_point_0

    The refs were basically there as spectators in game 1. Refused to call ANYTHING. Philly recognized that and cranked up their defensive intensity and ball pressure which allowed them to get more stops and turnovers. Boston did not and continued trying to play honest D like they would get whistled for every touch foul, giving up vaguely contested but ultimately clean looks all game. The frustrating thing though is that I’m half expecting that the refs for game 2 will be on some completely different shit and start calling every foul just as the Cs start to try and use the style they needed to play with on Monday.

  17. Orikshekor

    Coming out and saying this shit publicly worked last year let’s cross our fingers

  18. ii-Leonidas-ii

    This team is like the fat person that says they’ll start the diet on Monday, and then repeat the same line the following Friday.

    Stop talking, and start doing already.

  19. TheFirstExecutioner

    The on ball pressure at the point of attack needs to be so much higher from our guards especially. The lack of energy in game 1 was very disappointing

  20. DeeringTornados34

    Can the team stop turning the ball over 16 times a game please.

  21. streetmichael90

    I’m tired of the 3 ball tbh. Let’s get in the paint and get big on somebody. I want Derrick White to just posterize the shit out of Embiid tonight.

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