@Memphis Grizzlies

The Memphis Grizzlies Are Frauds!

The Memphis Grizzlies just lost in the First round to the Lakers in 5 games and we have to talk about the Grizzlies as a whole. Throughout this entire season they paraded around acting like they were the big dawgs in the West. Their Confidence turned into arrogance and cockiness and in all honesty everyone was just waiting for this team to humbled, including me. So with this loss now, I personally believe that the Memphis Grizzlies are just a team that is all bark and no bite.

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0:00 Intro
0:50 Memphis Became Too Cocky
2:53 “I’m Fine In The West”
4:50 Dillon Brooks
6:38 Was It Worth It Memphis?

***I do not own any of the footage in this, it belongs to the NBA. I only use the footage for entertainment purposes only all the clips used belong to it’s respected channel***


  1. Grizz go from top rebounding team to bottom when Adams got injured. This is the reason they lost

  2. Between Ja Gotti and Dylan the šŸ¤” Memphis needs to take a long look in the mirror

  3. You know it's a funny thing, Draymond can punch out his teammate and stomp on someone's chest or get a nut shot in and teams would trade some pretty valuable assets to get Dray. If the Grizzlies waive, cut, or even buy out Brooks contract, that trade attempt should be an eye opener for Brooks that the rest of the league don't want him šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ oh and you left out the F2F last year from Brooks against GP2 and Warriors still beat them. The league is trying to chase the Warriors, they can't do that with Brooks on their team. Dillon has become the ultimate liability for any NBA team.

  4. Dumbest team I ever had liberty of watching. Their antics from the silly dances to off court issues and of course Brooks makes this team hard to like.

  5. Steven Adams (from New Zealand where they play rugby) is the Christian influence on these playskoolers. Brooks has no skills, just bludgeons people. Like Jack Tatum in '78 who speared & paralysed Darryl Stingley so will Brooks do the same to another player unless he is ejected now!

  6. They remind me of the celtics a few years back, except guys like Tatum and Brown were led by guys like IT, Kyrie, and Horford. Grizzlies donā€™t have that kind of veteran leadership, which is why they canā€™t focus in when it matters and instead do dances after winning one game

  7. When DB fell into that cameraman and then pushed him down really shows who he is, disgusting..

  8. Whoever is doing Dillon Brooks braids derserves 2/3 of his salary. Not a fan on the style but itā€™s impressive he doesnā€™t have a strand out of place especially with that frizzy lightskin hair he gotšŸ˜‚

  9. They talk so much shit, and act like they are some kind of favorites.
    They've never done anything to warrant that! They've been in the playoffs twice now, and they won a single series

  10. It's called a false sense of self. And it's kind of common these days. When it doubt, no matter how good you are, stay humble. Because boasting and not backing it up, just invalidates you.

  11. no surprise. They were like this last year. You would think they would learn. NOPE. They got worse. Whatever mad puss piss they're drinking I blame their coach! šŸ„øšŸ„øšŸ„ø

  12. Just so long as you don't include Steven Adams in that designation of 'arrogance' … that's one person you can't level 'High and Mighty' at.

  13. Grizzlies are fine… in the west. Lol. But serious they will be good as long as they throw that trash brooks away and bring some brains into Ja's head.

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