@Los Angeles Lakers

Game Thread: Los Angeles Lakers (1-0) at Golden State Warriors (0-1) May 04 2023 6:00 PM

#Los Angeles Lakers at Golden State Warriors

Chase Center- San Francisco, CA




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  1. Batman_Forever

    Can’t stand these ESPN idiots 🙄

  2. Big0009

    Warriors are cooked, pulling desperation moves in game 2

  3. ErenGocer

    golden state mickey mouse dynasty ends tonight 🔥🔥

  4. keepon18

    Trying to increase spacing with 1 of Draymond/Looney was always going to be a strategy but surprising to see it in the starting lineup. You know Kerr held onto it until tipoff to surprise the Lakers though.

  5. Big0009

    If I’m AD I’m leaving JaMychal Green open to start and see if he hits his first couple

  6. OnSugarHill

    Feels good to be playing with house money!

  7. paperbuddha

    Anyone else picturing a montage of fans getting ready for the game?

  8. tokyo_bee

    LBJ just go for layups – no one on GSW can guard him.

  9. Juaniscool-8

    Just saw the Warriors starting lineup, LAKERS IN 4.

  10. So sick of the jordan narrative, and I watched him live.

    They always glance over how many times he was bounced out the playoffs. They act like he won a championship every year of his pro career. They act like he dragged bums to the finals all 6 times. Lol

  11. adhdlatebloomer7298

    Stephen A gonna play heal now that more people are giving in to the Lebron GOAT argument. Business wise it makes sense. Hell even Skip has been pretty nice to Lebron recently. I think Stephen A knows he can bring more attention to himself with hot takes against Lebron to argue his legacy.

  12. obliterateopio

    Looney not starting but will play off the bench. What’s the play here? Go to Rui at the 5 when AD sits and let him exploit the mismatch, but expose a rebounding disadvantage? Or go another route?

  13. HoodDeNiro

    Lakers win big tonite and it’s not even close tbh

  14. JpnDude

    Breakfast crew checking in from HACHIMURA-land. HAM better play him MORE! Let’s GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAMBARE LAKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. PumpsPivotsFires

    warriors going to shoot 70 threes tonight

    kerr knows that’s all they have

  16. trapfonz

    Refs are fucking us this game.. I can feel it 🙁

  17. swany467

    I can see the ref’s calling some bullshit on Vandy tonight

  18. pizzahubris

    Jamychal Green starting? AD FEASTING

  19. hungarianhc

    The realistic part of me thinks the Lakers know they just needed to steal one on the road, they got it, they’ll get destroyed tonight, and go win two in LA…

    The hopeful me says FUCK THAT it’s time to go even harder than game one. take care of them before they do some warriors shit and ruin our run…

  20. TroKero

    AD is gonna feast on Green like a praying mantis

  21. pizzahubris

    Bro we won the game and they’re still glazing the Warriors

  22. YoungBasedHooper

    But AD on D. Green and Bron on J. Green

  23. SatisfactionLower384

    Jamychal Green starting?


  24. quwin123

    They’re really doing everything to hype up Curry legacy wise huh?

    He’s incredible. But acting like he’s in the same neighborhood as Kobe, Duncan, Bird, Magic, etc…is nonsense. And they’re also completely erasing Durant, which is garbage too.

  25. JpnDude

    They just announced 20 MINUTES until tip-off.

  26. Big0009

    This legacy talk is trash 🗑️ both players are already solidified NEXT

  27. revalph

    J. Green on LBJ? the new LeBron stopper? LMAO they can try.

  28. thedoctor0918

    I expected more Draymond at the 5, but did not see Looney coming off the bench.

  29. weebs210

    Doomers already starting and the game isn’t on yet lmao..

  30. stuckontwice

    Lebron and AD should feast this starting quarter. I’m just praying for a solid start. They’re gonna come out guns blazing and we have to be prepared for it.

    Edit: Idk if they expected Jamachyl Green but they definitely game planned for small ball off the bat. LETS GO BOYS.

  31. hedumbfunny

    Went for a run, took a dump and showered. I’m ready, bois.

  32. revalph

    J. Green is like the experiment you do on the regular season. not on a game2 of the playoffs down 0-1. LMAO we got this.

  33. Limp-Consequence8491

    Lakers can do it. Lakers can go 2-0

  34. RedCarNewsboy

    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ ENTIRE TEAM TAKE MY FUCKING ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

  35. dogvenom

    Yes, I laugh at them starting JaMychal Green too, but I’m dreading some fluke bullshit like him going off for 5 out of 8 from 3

  36. shadylocko

    You guys keep saying JaMychal Green is a downgrade from Looney. Meanwhile I’m afraid he’s gonna pull a Game 2 Xavier Tillman and put a career performance helping the Warriors take game 2 lmao

  37. boyharsher-

    this dude JMG is about to shoot like prime Kelly Olynyk

  38. Offset_Migos

    Looney is going to kill the Wenyen mins. Looney is about to look like Rodman against Wenyen.

  39. superfrank_8

    Thankful the game is at some what of a reasonable tine for us former Angelos living in the east coast now

  40. oneironology

    Don’t overreact when gs gets all the calls, what am I saying this is /r/lakers lol

  41. dekrypto

    I hope the strategy is to push hard again tonight and try to finish off the series at home in 4.

  42. rick_32

    Win or lose just have fun! JK… win or lose I just want to see consistent championship habits…

  43. I’m nervous. Lakers can’t fall into the trap of jacking up 3’s. Hasn’t bode well for them this post season.

    **Against Memphis**:

    Game 1: 16/37 (43.2%)

    Game 2: 7/26 (26.9%)

    Game 3: 13/39 (33.3%)

    Game 4: 9/42 (21.4%)

    Game 5: 10/39 (25.6%)

    Game 6: 12/38 (31.6%)

    It starts with Lebron too. He was 8/41 (**19.5%**)

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