@Minnesota Timberwolves

Abu Dhabi, See You Soon!


  1. Been a wolves fan since I was 10 years old and started to play basketball in my driveway. Iā€™d be outside until I couldnā€™t see anymore and my hands were black from the dirt lol. I always pretended to be Troy Hudson & KG! I fondly remember watching almost every game on the edge of my seat. Win or lose i stood by my team. Iā€™m now 31 and Iā€™m an even bigger fan! I was at a few of the playoff games this year. We gave everybody a good show! No one expected us to put up a fight! Next season we will come back stronger and more experienced with this group that we have. Itā€™s not just about one or two players. Weā€™re a family. A Wolfpack! Iā€™m Proud of this organization for how far weā€™ve came the last few seasons! The only people that matter are the ones that have been here since day one. Soon we will bring MN itā€™s first NBA Championship! Until then letā€™s enjoy the process and keep grinding. šŸŗ

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