@New York Knicks

Look at this heat fan after today’s game. Disgusting…. blurred name of the guy because I don’t know if Reddit will take down for “bullying” nor do I want this attention seeker to get the attention he wants.

Look at this heat fan after today’s game. Disgusting…. blurred name of the guy because I don’t know if Reddit will take down for “bullying” nor do I want this attention seeker to get the attention he wants.

by Coolio1014


  1. RagerTheSailor

    Message the mods in r/heat with this and his name if he’s active there. They’ll ban his ass in a heartbeat

  2. rmccarthy10

    The only thing worse than a nasty 12-year-old on the internet… Are people that pay attention to him and get rattled by him.

    He’s a fatherless statistic who’s probably scrapping his own dinner tonight, and he happens to have an internet connection.. Who cares

  3. triplejacks3002

    Ayo heat fan here yeah we don’t this mofo

  4. Common_Voice_3422

    I’m a heat fan but I really hate to see this I’m all for friendly banter but I hate when people take things overboard like this 🤦🏾‍♀️ sorry you had to read that (btw idk how tf my font changed 🤣🤣😭)

  5. TheseKnicks

    Just report and move on. I’m okay with trash talk, but its so lazy and pathetic to go with racism or 9/11 insults.

  6. Haloish7

    Holy shit. That is unacceptable. A little trash talk is part of the fun but that is way too far. Message heat mods. He not with us.

  7. Imagine Jimmy Butler or Bam reads that shit too

  8. keppush

    Damn, imma Heat fan and that’s POS behavior. Despise the Knicks but that’s too far.

  9. FefeChase

    As a Heat fan that’s disgusting. I’ve been a fan since 88 and nothing that happens on the court warrants that. Fucking morons everywhere.

  10. DeaconSloots

    That person probably wasn’t even alive during 9/11

  11. Ghost_of_P34

    Report to reddit. They’ll get a reddit wide ban.

  12. HardOakleyFoul

    Hold up, not excusing his behavior, but for him to respond like that to you, you had to have been popping off at the mouth. Post what you said to him before all this hubbub.

  13. Afraid-Ad7379

    What a Fucking clown. There’s assholes everywhere.

  14. Type_suspect

    I can confidently say Heat fans wont accept him but that hard r is def Florida 😅

  15. tobydiah

    Looks like an asshole using a trash account. It’s best to ignore them completely. If no one acknowledges their existence, it makes their antics pointless.

  16. hamsickle

    From a heat fan. That’s just classless, he should be banned from both subs

  17. ruffdaddysmooth

    Again.. WHY are we going to or looking at the Heat sub??

  18. External_Passenger87

    You have to be mentally ill to not only use 9/11 as a diss, but to use it as a diss for an NBA rivalry is pretty sad. How shitty is your life if you get that emotionally attached to a team? It’s entertainment bro. Nobody on the heat knows who you are. They’re chillin in their Miami Beach houses while you’re scraping shit off the side of a toilet bowl.

  19. SanctorumAeternam

    Forget basketball. That the tragedy of 9/11 is being carelessly thrown around to make insults over sports is both sad and disgusting. I saw a twitter thread using the plane crash with faces of NBA players photoshopped onto the buildings during the Knicks/Cavs series and I couldn’t believe it.

  20. oof, that’s bad karma. Cavs fans did the same thing. Basketball gods watching. Karma is coming. Knicks in 7.

  21. poopmast

    LMAO, this sissy spun up a less than 1 day old burner account to trash talk. Too small to use their main account.

  22. StockComposer

    Basketball trash talk is fine with me. This guy just disgraced 1000s of people who lost their lives. Disgusting.

  23. JackMeHoff266

    Why do ppl act like 9/11 ONLY affected nyc? I thought it was a national tragedy. I guess it’s not to these ppl

  24. JackMeHoff266

    This is def a normal mentally stable person and not at all lives vicariously through the Miami Heat

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