@National Basketball Association

LeBron on Bronny’s commitment to USC: “Unless it was one of my great grandmothers or great grandfathers, or someone way before my time, to my knowledge this is the first one of the James Gang to go to college.”

LeBron on Bronny’s commitment to USC: “Unless it was one of my great grandmothers or great grandfathers, or someone way before my time, to my knowledge this is the first one of the James Gang to go to college.”

by Jayveesac


  1. 10Ramen

    A.K.A my kid is nowhere as good as me so please temper expectations.

  2. AkaiShuichi24

    Bronny going to college bye Woody and Buzz Lightyear

  3. extraordinary456

    He is going to USC for the girls.

  4. ktdotnova

    Might sound like haterade but where a basketball player goes to college just seems overrated and the amount of pride and history that usually follows that player for the rest of their career (example, oh Kyrie went to Duke). These players go for a semester and are unenrolled by second semester. At least in the 80s and 90s, guys stayed for at least 3 years. In football, they HAVE to stay for three years so the narrative of where they went to join makes sense.

  5. GloryMaelstrom21

    But how does it affects Lebronā€™s legacy?

  6. albertez

    All clowning aside, LeBron just seems like a really caring, supportive, involved dad and I think thatā€™s pretty cool.

  7. corrine49

    Why would you pick usc over ucla, ucla has better campus, location, historically better program, and better coach. It boggles my mind.

  8. marsexpresshydra

    Iā€™m sure some of the Raptors and Celtics went to college?

  9. clancydog4

    Aw, that was actually a really sweet and thoughtful answer. You can tell it actually means a lot to him to have a kid going to college at all — like beyond basketball, that has a special meaning it seems and that’s really cool. I know we only know the public side of it, but he seems to be a really supportive and solid dad to his kids without putting too much undue pressure on em. Thanks for sharing, this was a nice clip

  10. Starlord_who

    Not a bron stan but seemed like a genuine happy answer

  11. Difficult_Collar4336

    How many more generations until the first one graduates college tho ?

  12. Necessary_Initial350

    Love how supportive LeBron is as a father. Lotta yā€™all like to make fun of this dude, but heā€™s always come off as an exemplary parent.

    Many people, myself included, didnā€™t even grow up with a father in their lives/or had to deal with a POS deadbeat.

    Mad Respect.

  13. pullonmynards

    I mean, I get it. But itā€™s not his sons plan to finish college so does it count?

  14. lake-show-all-day

    Bunch of comedians in this thread šŸ™„

  15. Fhaksfha794

    Brons acting like bronny ainā€™t just gonna drop out after 1 and a half semester of underwater basket weaving courses

  16. idkwthtotypehere

    How do people not like this dude? Heā€™s a good dude. One of the most intelligent ballers during interviews. Not perfect by any means, but damn heā€™s just a good dude.

  17. AnkitPancakes

    I was hoping Bronny would go to the Big10. Partially for the more competitive experience, but partially to grow his Ohio roots. Regardless, awesome moment for the James family and a massive milestone regardless of how successful Bron had been on and off the court. Higher education is and always should be an accomplishment

  18. GerhardBURGER1

    LeBron: “The word ‘posse’ is extremely racist and should never be used”

    Also LeBron: “GANG GANG GANG”

  19. Hadokuv

    Does it really matter if you aren’t going to university for an education, he’s just a glorified minor league bball player. Dude is gonna be at USC right until the end of March madness then he’s gonna dip to train for the draft.

  20. craftbeerlink

    Everyoneā€™s got jokes but this dude has so much talent that he changed history for his family and anyone to come after him for many, many generations. No dumb joke any loser makes on Reddit can take anything away from that.

  21. seattle23fv

    This is one of those things where I feel like people forget that no matter the class divisions, the history of racism and oppression can still harm black people – obviously Iā€™m sure Bronny has a great asset in leaning on Lebron and a huge community of people to advise him, but it does make you think about the privilege of coming from families that have always gone to university and can tell you about what to expect

  22. ManunitedThunderfan

    Love or hate Lebron he really is just a good person/ father. Heā€™s corny af too and to be such a major sports figure since he was so young and never to have any scandals proves that.

  23. electricHats75

    He might really make something of his life. Break the curse.

  24. Sirtopofhat

    Lebron seems like the kind of dad that would support whatever you are doing as long as you’re bettering yourself. Like if Brony wanted to be….like an HVAC specialist Lebron would be so happy and manage to bring it up interviews and wear his companies logo etc

  25. emeister26

    Lebron doesnā€™t have a degree to fall back on. What happens when he retires from the nba ? Bronny better earn enough money to support his parents retirement

  26. hold up.. did he say when his mom was 19 he was 3?

  27. Pulsing_Fantasticals

    I mean Kyrie went to Duke so Iā€™m not sure what heā€™s talking about here? Lol

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