@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] Wiggins YAMS it on Anthony Davis

[Highlight] Wiggins YAMS it on Anthony Davis

by WhenItsHalfPastFive


  1. DIXtICon

    My god. i just saw a man explode on another man on live tv

  2. G1Spectrum

    JFC that might get the Warriors back in the game

  3. Elementary_drWattson

    reached all the way back. Love it.

  4. slysonic7

    Itā€™s an amazing dunk but I legit thought AD was about to pull off the block with how heā€™s played tonight

  5. lannistargaryen

    That wasnā€™t very Canadian of him

  6. turning back the hands of timeā€¦.wtf is Jackson talkin about, heā€™s only 28 lol

  7. theodros1

    I’ll tell my kids this was Michael Jordan

  8. Superb-Exercise-4399

    Why did mark jackson say ā€œwiggins turns back the hands of timeā€ heā€™s 28 lol

  9. OKCDraftPick2028

    man what the fuck is the other laker players are doing, AD guarded the whole team out there

  10. mikeohearnmeme

    Mark jackson: *Wiggins tells Anthony Davis ā€œdeflect thatā€*

    This was so good idk why

  11. PapiShot

    Luka Doncic šŸ¤ Anthony Davis

    Getting dunked on by Wiggins in the Playoffs

  12. Oxygenius_

    Imagine that dunk, but in Golden States arena.

  13. I like how the video strategically starts AFTER AD swats Curry on the same possession.

    All the same, sick poster for Wiggins.

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