@National Basketball Association

[Youngmisuk] Michael Malone said he thinks it’s crazy that Nikola Jokic got a technical foul trying to grab the ball to start the next play and “some fan” got in the way. When asked if he thought it made a difference that fan was the Suns owner, Malone replied: “I don’t give a s—-.”

[Youngmisuk] Michael Malone said he thinks it’s crazy that Nikola Jokic got a technical foul trying to grab the ball to start the next play and “some fan” got in the way. When asked if he thought it made a difference that fan was the Suns owner, Malone replied: “I don’t give a s—-.”

by AbshirThePoet


  1. iamadragan

    He shoved him when the ball was out of his hand though

  2. YeezyYeezyUp2NoGood

    Joker has done those quick inbounds that all year

  3. guttertech

    That’s what he’s supposed to say. It’s over, Suns won by more than a single point, back to more incredible basketball on Tuesday.

  4. Ilovethewomen

    I mean it’s a dead ball, so ref needs to grab it before he can even inbound… major flop by the owner but you can’t be grabbing or pushing a fan at all, leave that to the ref

  5. eliw6965

    It would be hilarious if the owner got escorted out like a normal fan lol

  6. IntraspaceAlien

    the tech wasn’t for trying to grab the ball. flop or not, he pushed him.

  7. BroFriday

    Everyone would be cheering if he just fucking executed the guy

  8. Opening-Citron2733

    The narrative that he was going for the quick 5-4 falls flat when you rewatch the play.

    Jokic walks over with no pace or tempo. He’s just strolling over until like the last second when he reaches for the ball. There’s no body language that suggests he was trying for a quick inbound.

    Edit: go back and look at his teammates too. MPJ was arguing with another ref about something (I think he thought they called it out on Denver). Guys were just taking a rest, hands on knees. Nobody was rushing to get set to run a quick 4-5 play.

  9. NeuroTheManiacal

    “Michael, we’re on live.”

  10. SamTheSidekick

    the tech was for pushing him not for grabbing the ball dumbass

  11. bravof1ve

    He walked in the crowd and shoved people. It is clearly against the rules.

  12. ForceMaster999

    If Brooks did that, he’d be suspended lol

  13. jorgelongo2

    I mean, regardless of who the fan is or the circumstances, a player shouldnt go and shove a fan even if its the lightest of shoves and the guy flops like if he was Marcus Smart

  14. Dare555

    Totally doesn’t matter who he is , should have gotten tossed out . And not the guy next to him who was used as scapegoat

  15. jayelecfan

    Malone never working for the suns lmao

  16. FernBlueEyes

    Should have been a delay of game penalty on the Suns.

  17. Whit3boy316

    It wasn’t the grabbing of the ball that caused the foul, it was the shove

  18. penguin_torpedo

    Tech is fine, but Ishbia should’ve been ejected

  19. ShotTaker

    Its crazy how this shit is presented differently depending on who it is. If Kyrie or Ja did this people would make a federal case out of it and whine about a suspension.

  20. KillianDrake

    I think the owner should show up to a press conference with a neck brace and in a wheelchair, lol

  21. After the ball got knocked loose

    I think that

    Jokić thought the “fan” threw it away and then shoved him on purpose

  22. hopeless_dick_dancer

    Whether the person is some random fan or an owner doesn’t make any difference. You don’t hold onto the ball and refuse to let the player grab it.

  23. NicPizzaLatte

    I’m here for this. He’s right. Jokic shouldn’t have gotten a tech and Ishbia should have been ejected. The fact that he owns the team shouldn’t change the conduct standard.

    If it does change the standard of conduct, to what level? Like the owner gets to hold the ball and can walk on to the court during stoppages but but they can’t take their clothes off. What’s the limit? The dude should have lost his seat at his own game. A good security team would have removed him from the seat.

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