@Minnesota Timberwolves

When You Trade Away Your Future…..For a First Round Exit

Discussing the 3 teams that mortgaged their future this offseason, all but to see an early exit in the playoffs

#NBA #MinnesotaTimberwolves #AtlantaHawks #ClevelandCavs #RudyGobert #DejounteMurray #DonovanMitchell #KarlAnthonyTowns #TraeYoung #NBAPlayoffs #NBATrades #NBADebates #NBAVideos

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  1. They could just trade Edwards or KAT to return what they sent and then rebuild, i suppose.

  2. Great vid Bro. First time watcher. Just subbed. I've said all these same things. I thought the Mitchell Trade was Bad the Gobert trade was worse but I get the twolves doing it they can't attract talent they have to trade for it but they were in a bidding war with themselves and LOST LoL.. at least with the Hawks maybe another team would've given up that much for Murray. They felt they were one player away and he was it just didn't work out.

  3. Wolves had seven games with the entire team together, so it isn't clear that the trade will or won't work. The Wolves also had younger stars on their team and won't miss the draft picks. If you are going to act as an expert, you should at least know your topic.

  4. And what is interesting about the Mitchell trade is the Knicks got destroyed by the media for not getting him it ended up being the right thing. I for sure thought they were going to get him. Very surprised the Cavs did.

  5. in all fairness when talking about the timberwolves we can not ignore the fact that unlike the other two teams that injuries played a big part in their fail season. KAT miss 55 games this year as well as spending the off/preseason recovering from illness and in the playoffs they were missing 3 of their top 7 guys in rotation. with that being said i will mark this season as an incomplete instead of a failure.

  6. Dumbest move and trade the wolves have ever done!!!! Get rid of management and the owner!!!

  7. You know this dude wanted to add the sobonis Hali trade to this list so bad. Dude always hating on the kings.

  8. The wolves were missing 3 of their key players and still put up a good fight u dont know what the hell youre talking about

  9. It blows my mind that any team would trade 5 first round picks for Rudy Gobert. Talk about digging your franchise into a hole. 😂

  10. I don't understand these types of videos where Captain hindsight comes in and says oh these trades were bad. What were these teams supposed to do? Stand Pat like the Hawks did last year and essentially still be bounced in the first round Cleveland didn't even make the playoffs last year… It's not like they can see the future. you didn't even offer a solution to anything you just said these were bad trades

  11. There's a "winning" light that hasn't turned on yet for Donovan Mitchell. Didn't in college and hasn't in the pros. He's won at times because he's incredibly talented but he doesn't get how to grind out tough wins when things get tough.

  12. I wouldn’t call the Spida trade a fail, they’re still young. In 5 years and they’re still not a solidified contender then it’s a failure

  13. That’s why I’m glad the Knicks didn’t trade everyone for Mitchell. We would be in this video.

  14. When Thibs decided to be the Coach/President role thinking he was Pat Riley and traded Lavine & Lauri THAT was the beginning of the end…. again. 😭

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