@Denver Nuggets

Nikola Jokic Responds to Incident with Suns Owner & Game 4 Loss, Postgame Interview

Denver Nuggets vs Phoenix Suns – Full Game 4 Highlights | May 7, 2023 NBA Playoffs

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  1. Are these are reporters from Phoenix or something? So weird who asks about the other team ask about what his team did or didnt do. Having to read about Phoenix stats. Worry about getting fined? The owner should get fined. Why did you take it upon yourself? Duh we had the 5 vs 4 advantage. Why did the owner wrap up the ball and not toss it back to the ref. So his guy could get up and run down. Best part was asking about how he scored 50+? I made baskets..Owner definitely should have been ejected money shouldn't get you free pass on everything.

  2. Damn, you NBA writers never cease to amaze me at times with your sophmoric questions & what eventually comes from those sophmoric questions, the very one-sided opinionated column(s) that you'll be putting out on multiple social media sites. Chances are, it'll have very little to do with NBA Basketball, the awesome 2nd round playoff match-up or anything which is remotely relevant to the majority of us NBA Fans at the moment. With just hearing where your initial questioning was going with Jocic, I'm quite sure that by the end of the night whatever you decide to write, based on what heard early on between you & Nicoli, it'll probably be better suited for "NATIONAL ENQUIRE" or more likely "MARVEL COMIC BOOKS" better yet for clowns like you!!

  3. Dude holding the ball impeding the restart of the game why jokic has to explain himself?? why are players even exposed like that? Try to hold the ball like that in Turkey on a losing team and see what happens

  4. He was trying to help his team by slowing the game down. Jokic has every right to get the ball and try to inbound it. If this guy wasn’t the suns owner he would’ve been kicked out and banned.

  5. IMO NBA should start holding reporters accountable for fishing for drama, instead of asking questions regarding the game. We can clearly observe for some time, how tired the players are of these low-effort, bullshit questions.

  6. It seems to me that the reporters are trying to instigate conflict in almost every area. They don't want to discuss the game; they want to create riffs between Jokic and the NBA; between he and his head coach; and he and his teammates. It's pathetic how they try to incite controversy during these after game sessions.

  7. For the record guys, I typed into my YouTube search bar “Ukraine corrupt country.” Somehow this was one of the queries. Make it make sense.

  8. The arrogance from him and his coach is crazy he act like he know ain’t nothing gone happen and reporters taking it easy with the questions

  9. absolutely tho Denver is wasting their efforts, a 53 point game from this man and they still lost MY GOODNESS

  10. Gotta think if this was a black player reporters and media would already been talking suspension. Question would’ve started with how long do you think you ll be suspended for

  11. Not only was he wrong for elbowing "the fan" as he says since he initiated this by aggressively going at "the fan" who only was trying to create some space between himself and this out of control player. Now in this interview he shows who is truly is as an arrogant ego driven man who but for the sport would be working at a gas station.

  12. Ban the "fan" he tried to influence the game. He (the "fan") should appologize.

  13. That question about getting the ball actually helped the Joker give clarification to the importance of why he needed to get the ball back in play immediately.

  14. Lol that's the nature of the human person's lol duh that's the whole premises of basketball and sports. He was done with them

  15. Јокићу, ти си бољи од мене да се носиш са оваквим новинаима са толико стрпљења.

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