@Boston Celtics

Joe Mazzulla: “Hindsight is 20/20, I should have called (a timeout at end of OT) to help us get a 2-for-1 or get a couple more possessions. Obviously, 14 seconds left, down 1, you want as many chances as you can. So, definitely learn from that.”

Joe Mazzulla: “Hindsight is 20/20, I should have called (a timeout at end of OT) to help us get a 2-for-1 or get a couple more possessions. Obviously, 14 seconds left, down 1, you want as many chances as you can. So, definitely learn from that.”

by horseshoeoverlook


  1. TGIF_90s_kid

    I thought he learned that earlier in Miami?

  2. DrKedorkian

    This not a revelation revealed by 20/20 hindsight

  3. “So, definitely learn from that”
    Narrator: he did not, in fact, learn from that

  4. SoulReaper12

    I don’t have a problem with Mazzulla not calling a timeout, Stevens/Udoka did it many times. My problem is how Smart/Tatum basically didn’t play with no type of urgency. 18 seconds is enough time to get a shot, if you missed foul with the chance to tie or win the game.

  5. DoomdUser

    It’s good to at least hear him acknowledge it directly. I do trust that he will learn, it’s actually kind of insane for him to be a rookie coach and in this position. Usually new coaches have a rebuilding team so they can make these kinds mistakes under relatively low pressure, so it’s not surprising to see some bumps in the road.

    That said, it’s obviously not completely on him that we lost. He could have put the team in a better position a few times, but ultimately JB having a brain fart and Tatum waiting way too fucking long sealed the fate.

    Both of our losses so far have needed outrageous output from Harden and extremely narrow margins of victory. I still feel like we are in control here, and I’d love to see us close it out in 6.

  6. Brad-Stevens

    It’s tough getting the exact matchup you want (Maxey on JT), Tatum plays a play and draws a crowd (what you want) and the spacing is good enough where he has multiple outlets for an open look (Smart, White) … makes a great pass and Smart sticks it

    Literally couldn’t have drawn it up better, just went wayyyy too slow

  7. Blinded57

    Can someone please explain the “2-for-1” reference? At 30 – 40 seconds, such a realization make sense. At 14 seconds, the “2” can really only be a rebound, right? (Which is valuable in itself, but I don’t think it is commonly called a “2-for-1.”

    As others, I don’t have a problem with the absence of a timeout. It’s the insistence that they don’t start a play until there are 8 seconds left that is so bothersome. Start it at 10 seconds, through a defensive mental lapse it’s a clear path to the basket, take it. If that means the lead and PHL has the ball with 7 seconds left, that’s okay. The extra two seconds permits a tip-in, a true rebound and put-back (maybe even a pass off the rebound). Most importantly, it permits a drive and kick for a shot that gets off before the horn sounds.

    Waiting those extra two seconds (or three or four or whatever it should be) comes with so much potential cost, and minimal potential gain.

  8. ChipotleGuacamole

    Shocked he admitted it. Front office must have leaned on him.

  9. Leunam_8

    At least he admits it. If anyone posted what he said as a comment on this sub, they’d be downvoted to hell and called a doomer. It’s okay to second guess decisions and plays. That’s part of being a fan.

  10. ii-Leonidas-ii

    How can I, as a man who never played professional ball know DURING THE GAME this was the thing to do, yet the actual coach doesn’t and need this as a learning opportunity?

  11. Dondon1927

    We hear this same response like twice a month lol

  12. Panda0nfire

    Hey as long as he learns from it, it’s ok, plenty of games left to play but also it’s on to criticize him for it too. It was a mistake and we shouldn’t pretend it wasn’t.

    That said this mistake doesn’t matter at all and it’s forgivable if they grow and get better and don’t make it again.

  13. Remarkable-Bother-54

    honestly the only thing im well and truly annoyed about is allowing the 3. A two, at absolute worst, takes it to double OT. Our stars are in their mid 20s; their stars are mid 30s and an easily gassed hobbled player. We should have absolutely, completely, 100% sold out on the 3. Let them get a 2, take a chance on our last shot, and if it goes to double OT so be it, i like our chances, we have better stamina.

  14. Drawing_The_Line

    This is where Brad has done him a big disservice by not giving him the aid of a veteran coach for his bench. After Stoudamire left, the already thin veteran bench coach roster became even thinner. Every coach can use the wisdom of a veteran NBA coach who can offer advice in the heat of the moment. Disappointing.

  15. KidsSeatsAreJust5bux

    “oh well, what are you gonna do?!”


    This is the playoffs what are we doing? Not the time to “learn from it.” Coach the fucking team

  16. LuckysBestMan

    Is everyone on this team too stupid to learn shit during the regular season?

  17. Cavemanphilosopher19

    all the people yesterday saying it was the best idea and I so confused why they would feel that way knowing how much JT likes to dribble before he makes a move. In no way am I mad at JT, but he does take a looong time to start his drive.

  18. doubledippedchipp

    Problem is he really should’ve known, it’s a basic end of game situation. Down 1 with 18 seconds, advance the ball and go quick. If you miss you have time for a rebound and reset, or you can foul and at worst be down 3, advance the ball again and go for the tie.

    But we’ve seen this play out all season long. The guy doesn’t have elite play calling so why would he call a timeout when the guys on the floor playing by instinct will work better than his plays?

  19. StaticMaine

    Lot of people on this board attacked others for saying this yesterday.

    Where they now…?

  20. zoops10

    “Hindsight is 20/20”

    This is what you say when you refuse accountability for your actions.

  21. swats_messiah

    Mazulla shouldn’t even be coaching girls high school basketball. Get him TFO

  22. siva115

    I mean, good, but this shit happened plenty during the regular season. You were supposed to learn from that

  23. whitemamba24xx

    Save em up. Use them later I get it. Smart

  24. Sherriffj

    My 8yr olds basketball coach woulda called a timeout.

  25. philmaqc

    Somehow people forget Ime not calling a timeout when we were down 1 point in almost the exact same situation against the Nets last year in game 1 and it worked in our favor. I think he should’ve called it once the ball hadn’t moved and it hit 10 seconds but we would be praising him if Smart got the ball .3 seconds earlier and made the shot.

    I’m more upset at the first half effort but proud they turned the game around during and after the 3rd quarter when Philly was still making every thing.

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