@National Basketball Association

James Harden and John Hao postgame: “Game 6, he’s gotta come back”

James Harden and John Hao postgame: “Game 6, he’s gotta come back”

by _ProdiG_


  1. Alternative_Leg9446

    Fuck it, sign him to a 10 day

  2. IslandChillin

    Some good vibes . Made my morning tbh.

  3. touchetoupee

    Harden has caught a lot of crap from the media throughout his career (some deserving and some undeserving) but you cannot question this dudes character. Legend on and off the court.

  4. zeze999

    I started to grow on Harden a bit this season, even before I learned about this nice gesture of his. He seems like a really good person…

  5. Nebnerlo2

    And that’s how I became a sixers fan.

  6. Early_Background6937

    Damn Ima cry 🥲 The way he said I just kept thinking about it and thanking John. This is so great.

    Fr though every day is an opp to get a little better in any aspect of life

  7. I wanna get it on record that I’ve like Harden the entire time..


    James harden just seems like an awesome dude honestly

  9. FrankNtilikinaOcean

    So much respect for Harden, and at the same time, feel so terrible for John. Great to see him in good-spirits but man, he had so much taken away.

    Really hope all of this is genuine and this builds them up together.

  10. Half_baked_prince

    Beautiful stuff. Harden is really cool for this

  11. CCowboy123

    think you can make it to Boston?


  12. KyrieLS777

    My heart breaks for this young man and his family. Came to America for a better life and gets paralyzed.

  13. Jeff_Basils

    Why is James harden making me like him?

  14. NovaShark28

    Harden looks like he’s auditioning to be the new Wizards mascot here

  15. tonypearcern

    He’s always been a good person. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Harden has been shit on throughout his career because he never signed with one of the huge sports/talent agencies. Those same agencies represent media members and there is a vested interest in hyping certain players up and keeping other players down within their narrative. Kudos to Harden for not engaging with it or acknowledging the vitriol spewed in the press for the past decade plus.

  16. Harden is goated imo for just being such a good dude. Man cares for John Hao deeply you can see it 🙏

  17. NoPin5154

    If Philly forces a game 7 someone fly him out to Boston I don’t give a shit if I’m Philly I get that brotha out there

  18. AceVetoKing

    I think it’s really important to remember no matter how they’re doing on the court, these guys are humans—and in a lot of cases, really solid humans. They may frustrate us sometimes on the court, but in the end it’s a game. Stuff like this matters more.

  19. RatLord445

    Philly in 6 if john hao attends the rest of the series

  20. Will_I_survive_this

    Based Harden. Wish I could hang out with him and his crew. Hope he brought him ti his clubs.

  21. hojboysellin3

    Good guy harden scoring a 40 piece on the Celtics one of the best storylines this playoffs

  22. SplitPerspective

    We joke, but there’s something about being in a good mental state that really heightens one’s focus and motivation for anything we do.

    Charity and good deeds usually make us feel good, and put us in a good mental state.

    There’s definitely a strong correlation to his performance with his selfless acts.

  23. harden gets a pass for the rest of his career for this

    superman type shit right here

  24. TheSQLInjector

    And suddenly I have done a complete 180 on James Harden🤝. How can you root against someone who seems so genuine in showing love to someone at the lowest point of their life, major fucking shoutout to James Harden for this.

    John Hao’s life will never be the same following the tragedy he went through, but it will also never be the same following this whole series of events with the sixers and Harden, he’s building memories that’ll last a lifetime.

  25. defoz3x

    This is cool af, idc what you say

    Harden is real af off and on court

  26. Even the biggest Harden haters have to feel good about this one.

  27. FrankDuxSpinKick

    Harden has been an easy target because of the facade he’s put up as a playboy. There are times when it’s clear he doesn’t like being a celebrity. Under that facade is a giant heart and soul who loves helping others.

  28. SilentSonOfAnarchy

    Whole new level of respect for Harden.

  29. solariscalls

    Just curious, any particular reason why harden is helping this person? I know he was shot while in Michigan but I guess why this particular person versus say another person who was also shot?

  30. Kunundrum85

    I guess I’m a James Harden fan now, he’s really left me very little choice.

  31. LandooooXTrvls

    James harden is an amazing person!

    Damn let’s get this man a ring while he can still produce like a superstar 🥲

  32. Fk it. I hope celtics lose now. Go Hao Harden

  33. Ucscprickler

    Harden’s going to take him to the strip club after game 6 if they win again.

  34. BeefyC0C0

    Having empathy is the real power in life. This guy has the power. Using his tools for the greater good and not solely to enrich himself.

  35. bacontacos420

    If that game doesn’t make you believe there’s a God idk what will. Chills. Harden is a G

  36. bebopblues

    Good guy Harden. Hit game winners, hand out Rolex to MVP, and spiritually help out wounded innocent. What a guy.

    But what Hao’s really thinking…

    Hao: Fuck Game 6, man. Take me to your strip clubs and let me make it rain on your side pieces.

    But yeah, Harden is solid dude.

  37. TimelyTiger

    If I was Harden, I would bring him to a strip club after party

  38. Abyssrealm

    Harden is a genuine good guy. The talking heads have been on him since he went to the Rockets but I hope this can be his redemption arc and close out the Celtics.

  39. atramenactra

    Awesome that Harden truly has made friends with John Hao. I’m out of the loop though – can someone explain what was it exactly that connected Harden and Hao? Was there something specific about this shooting that particularly connected with Harden?

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