@Boston Celtics

Joe Mazzulla on not calling timeout at the end: “We had to play with more pace there, but that was the play.”

Joe Mazzulla on not calling timeout at the end: “We had to play with more pace there, but that was the play.”

by horseshoeoverlook


  1. AirJordan6124

    Joe thinks its cool not to call timeouts

  2. Lol what pace you fucking dipshit, letting Tatum walk it up for 10 secs

  3. aja_ramirez

    See you fools. They had a play already. Fans don’t know anything except to complain.

  4. endlesscdqotw

    I see what he was going for. He’s right. They wasted too much time

  5. cane_the_weaboo

    I understand not calling it if you had something in mind. But the play we ran is the same action we’ve used all game and we didn’t even start the action quick enough. Brad would’ve called a timeout and drew something up.

  6. ZEFAGrimmsAlt

    Brother when JT couldn’t find an outlet to anything you needed to call a TO

  7. PML3107

    Watching modern basketball makes you appreciate how much of a genius larry bird is on a court. Never would he leave harden open or let the shot clock expire like a fucking moron

  8. hpantazo

    He’s not wrong. Basically Tatum should have gotten into the play earlier. The play itself worked

  9. redbeagle

    Play was fine, gotta call the timeout when the action isn’t occurring fast enough. Oh well, clawed back and we are tied going home.

  10. HailKyrie

    They had the play the issue is once again they take fucking forever to get into their set

  11. LeChoochee

    Honestly I’m not mad about the no timeout call, helping one pass away up 2 is fucking criminal though

  12. HeroOfSevenEleven

    This honestly makes sense… the sixers called a timeout right before the only thing a timeout does there is let them set their defense.

  13. MehFrosty

    The players wasted too much time, i dont see how thats on the coach

  14. jordan142142

    He wanted to keep maxey on the court. Relax everyone

  15. Bacca18121

    I think it’s a fantastic idea to not take the timeout, why would we want to give harden/embiid rest and time for them to set their defense. Celtics need to be much more aware of the time…

  16. AnakinSL337

    We literally only needed a 2, the first one to end the 4th wasn’t that egregious since it was an open look, 100% would’ve been better to draw up a play only to choke and end up shooting a 3 late

  17. I don’t care that they didn’t call a timeout with 19 seconds. What doesn’t make sense is why he didn’t call when it was clear the play had slowed

  18. bourgewonsie

    Joe made the right choice by initially not calling a timeout. If you call a timeout there then Doc takes out Harden/Harris/Maxey and puts in a tougher defensive lineup and likely schemes up counters to prevent the drawn up action. They got JT on the matchup they wanted.

    Where the play went wrong is the fact that they took too long to start the action, with 5 seconds left. I think that’s mostly on JT and Smart but that is also on Joe and I think he should’ve called a timeout when he saw that they were slow to get into the action. But the play itself was good and if JT got into the action even half a second quicker then we win and we’re talking about how much of a genius Joe is for letting them play on. Keep in mind we won BKN G1 last year with the exact same principle.

    The real issue here aside from them being slow to start the action is the fact that they had JT on Embiid (why??) and then JB came over to double and left Harden in the corner down 2 (seriously, why??????). Unsure if that’s a JB lapse or a bad coaching call, but I would guess it’s more on JB than it is on Joe (although JT on Embiid was probably a Joe decision)

  19. uncriticalthinking

    The same things keep happening end of game: 1. Lack of solid play-calling 2. Lack of Tatum taking the final shot.

  20. megagorman

    This isn’t on Joe at all. Jb blew the coverage and then tatum blew the last play. Don’t see how u blame the coach for that

  21. Ok_Seaweed_9452

    so explain why the f the opposite team almost always get a point on us out of Timeout, we have time to set up defense and everything. Surely his logic should work both ways?

  22. flamingviper3175

    Play was good, but should’ve been executed a bit faster. Emphasis on a bit because it was literally half a second too slow. But if he doesn’t see any important movement going on at the 10 second mark something needs to be done

  23. bcallahan2

    Why is the play to have Marcus smart shoot the 3 and why did we do that concept twice? Am I crazy for questioning that when you have 2 all-nba guys?

  24. Run_PBJ

    My only question is about Doris Burke going on this whole diatribe about how mazzulla likes to be patient with his timeouts so that he has 2 of them in end of game situations, which would be great if he ever FUCKING USED THEM! I don’t have a problem if he uses a timeout or not at the end, but it stands to reason that if he saved them all game specifically to have them at the end of the game that maybe he would like to use them at the end of the game

  25. I swear to God, half of this subreddit has a sexual fetish for timeouts or something.

  26. jlarson42

    People crazy being mad about that. They got a great look that went in, it was just .3 seconds too late. If he turned it over or they didn’t get a look at all then yeah, be mad, but that pass and shot were crazy

  27. saxman162

    They were hunting Maxey and Harden all game. If we called a timeout, then Doc would have subbed them out for better defenders like Melton/Milton.

  28. agoddamnlegend

    “I didn’t call time out because I have nothing to contribute and should have never gotten this job”

  29. ethereumcpw

    Timeouts are net assets, not net liabilities. That’s why they exist and should be used. The greatest coaches of all time including Pat Riley and Pop used them in end of game situations. Brad used them too–and would draw up plays that would oftentimes create the winning play. Why does Mazulla think he knows better than these people and the rest of the coaching profession? And after having had bad resutls time and again as a result of not calling timeouts, why doesn’t he change his approach?

    For anyone who wants to point to Phil Jackson, please remember he had Jordan, Kobe and Shaq.

  30. Son_of_Atreus

    This dude is bad at admitting he fucked up and learning from his fuck ups and never doing them again.

    He loves to shoot back about the time outs and how he is “a terrible coach” and “not asking about adjustments” when the team wins games but he brushes this off too easily when he totally fucks up. I don’t like his attitude with this shit at all.

  31. ahighkid

    I’d like to do to Mazzulla what he did to that woman in West Virginia

  32. CrackaZach05

    Wild how many people here don’t know ball. And just a reminder, he could have called a timeout at ANY time when Tatum was dribbling out the clock.

  33. Icy_Link_2457

    Whatever, the play was to take a time out to make sure everyone is on the same page. For instance, we got seven seconds to execute a quality shot therefore, lets not pass the ball around for 6.5 seconds.

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