
LeBron James Is a Basketball Genius | The Bill Simmons Podcast

The Ringer’s Bill Simmons is joined by Ryen Russillo to discuss LeBron James’s basketball mind and his ability to conserve energy in the playoffs.

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  1. Roided up basketball cheater who needs a system, a roster, and Ray Allen and Kyrie Irving to win him titles. Fixed it for you Bill.

  2. Steph told Draymond that he doesn't know what the fuck Lebron is doing he can't figure him out. It seems like when golden state is watching film that Lebron is already on the next game of doing different shit. Lebron in the post they might be planning for that tonight where Lebron is doing something else now. Also him shooting really bad from 3 I know that sounds bad but now teams are like should we leave him open & he's going like ya do it & I'll make you pay.

  3. The best thing about this lebron, is that he's not even trying… cuz he doesn't have to. He knows something no one else knew until recently, that this team is good enough to win a chip. He doesn't need to dominate anymore. He's saving that for the celtics and their depth in the wing position

  4. Hearing BS not hate on Lebron is quite refreshing but I makes me sad because as we all probably suspect, the days of King James in the league seems numbered.

  5. If only he had the heart and killer instinct that MJ had….just imagine. Lebron grew up in a soft time that produced soft people. It's unfortunate.

  6. It’s funny that people hate LeBron. Like, just appreciate some greatness every once and a while. Doesn’t have to be so personal

  7. I’ll shoot them some bail and say they were excited at the technique. Like when a film nerd geeks out at the most nuance thing the average person doesn’t care for

  8. LeBron quietly in these playoffs so far is 2nd in DEFENSIVE Win Shares and 4th in DEFENSIVE Rating (AD #1 in both). LeBron also 8th in RBG & 11th in BPG (so far his Top2-3 most rbg & bpg in his 16th playoffs), 10th in Win shares.


    What he’s averaging per game so far in these playoffs (22+ 10+ 5+) has only been done for an entire playoff career by 3 players ever

    Larry Bird

    Only Giannis has done it while averaging 1.3 BPG like Bron this playoffs. 3P shooting last 2 games 42% after horrid first 7 games from 3 in all but Game 6 vs Grizzlies.

    He’s the 2nd player ever in year 20 to even play in the playoffs (Kobe Dirk KG Vinsanity Parish and the 8 total others besides LeBron Kareem as only 10 players have EVER played year 20) and Kareem played 23 mpg averaging 11 & 4.

    Just want to make sure ppl have perspective of what they are watching with LeBron.

    Refreshing to see Simmons for a segment not hate on it LeBron (can’t blame him though bc LeBron lead teams knocked out his beloved Celtics 5x from 2011-2018 playoffs including 3 ECF, 2 of which Celtics could win game 6/7 at home but lost anyways after being up 3-2 and then he went to hated lakers and was MVP for them winning 2020 title after worst record in NBA 13-14 to 17-18).

    He did say one thing critical that I disagree with bc LeBron almost certainly didn’t believe his 07/15(once Kyrie love hurt)/18 teams had much of a chance to win titles but still he played his ass off with some incredible moments.

  9. I think it’s so crazy that the media has spent all season killing players for missing games and stuff but no one is talking about how lebron has been playing on an injured foot.

  10. I knew this in 2010. It drove me crazy that everybody else didn’t see what I saw.

  11. Wait. You mean the second greatest player of all time is a basketball genius? I’m shocked! 😅

  12. Oh, what do you know arguably the best payer in the league is a smart player. Captain obvious Bill Simmons.

  13. This series man…
    Is it bad that as soon as I see Poole square his shoulders to the basket my immediate thought is, “oh no…”

  14. Lebron almost certainly has a stats team to run numbers for him when he's strategizing.

  15. LaBrown James is not half as good as Jimmy Buckets who is a true bucketeer. The only thing they have in common is that they are both immigrants from Africa.

  16. Hopefully Lebron learned from his mistake of throwing that Hero cop under the bus.

  17. Stop saying Hakeem like “ih-Keem” – took me a couple rewinds to figure out what you were saying

  18. I think he is a savant, but decisions such as the 21-22 roster and the Westbrook addition will always stand out to me as bad decisions from LeGM.

  19. The people that hate Lebron are the fans whos teams he knocked out of the playoffs for years 😂 clowns the lot of them 🤡

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