@Golden State Warriors

Michael Rappaport has some words for Poole 👀

Here’s the link:

by Fabulous_Investment6


  1. screwbitfloor

    lmao this is funny. i hope poole doesn’t see this though.


    Michael is funny af. I follow him on socials and his reactions always got me dying. Lmao

  3. zergrush1

    Jordan ” Can’t swim in the pool” Poole

  4. SeekingSignificance

    If you’ve never seen The War At Home and enjoy watching Rappaport you should give it a watch. It’s a sitcom he stared in. It only ran for 2 seasons, but was comedy gold and really underrated. But yeah, he’s right in this video.

  5. Fabulous_Investment6

    I love how pissed he was. He captured the spirit of the people.

  6. Lucky7Lenny

    The GOAT has spoken. Poole ain’t a splash brother

  7. AMS_GoGo

    Bro said “Jordan I cant swim in the Poole” man 💀

  8. ragged-robin

    The fact that anyone called a 33% shooter that to begin with is insulting to Steph and Klay

  9. youngsaiyan18

    Back up singer in DeBarge 😂😂😂

  10. dastardly_doughnut

    I love MR, but fuck this take and all the unnecessary trash talk about JP. Hell yeah he’s fucking up. We all know it. JP knows it. The toxicity doesn’t fuckin help.

    Until Poole gets traded, he’s one of us. For better or for worse. If he’s not playing well, he deserves the bench. End of story. Stop focusing on the negative it doesn’t fucking help.

    DUBS IN 7.

  11. irbradical

    Honestly the way Poole has been lately I’m pretty sure there are other factors affecting his play because it’s been such a downward spiral this season.

  12. Jo_Gray

    This is sad! I wish people would leave him alone! We’re literally going down the Ben Simmons path with this trolling, humiliation and bullying! Like do people honestly think this is helping?

    If he becomes afraid to shoot or afraid to drive, what then? This isn’t a good look.

  13. SmellMyFingerMel

    Das cold-blooded but he ain’t wrong!

  14. Valuable-Garage6188

    For his own sake I hope he leaves. These garbage Warriors fans don’t deserve Poole.

  15. Manic006

    I don’t think I have ever flipped on a player so quickly from love to hate in months. WTF happend? He had a good run last year and the wheels just fell off? Is it because he got paid and stopped giving a shit? He looks like shit!

  16. Mygaffer

    The worst thing about team subs is how wildly the opinions and narrative swing on them depending on how the last game went.

  17. nailedit671

    Lakers are hella happy when Poole plays

  18. kobeisnotatop10

    he is playing very bad, that is a fact….

  19. bmeisler

    Here’s what I think happened: the Warriors wanted to trade him after the punch, but he was still on his rookie contract so he had little trade value. The Warriors gave him the bag so he’d be tradeable. Then he ruined the plan by being terrible this season.

    The vibes have been terrible all year. JP still might flourish somewhere else – but his days as a Warrior are numbered, and he knows it.

  20. souttous

    This makes me sad

    He’s still a splash bro to me

  21. Redditforever12

    he did had a good game where he took the 29 foot shot, people are all in that one, but he made shot after shot. But overall this season he has been kind of bad for a expected 30+mil player

  22. SuperstarTraxRecords

    Please don’t post this fuckin loser in here

  23. downer9000

    it’s so sad. This time last year he was 🔥


    what happened?

  24. Hereforspeakers

    Eh this is a trash take. Poole is crummy right now, but making A little video about it is kind of lame.

  25. tb23tb23tb23

    I mean he nearly led the league last year in finishing at the rim, right? What has happened to him…

  26. Own-Western-1202

    Poole’s a kid, can’t blame a kid for these losses.
    Blame the adult…the coach.
    I can’t think of one close game where I can say steve kerr is the reason they won.

  27. cloud-storage-rocks

    This is too much. In all seriousness, people gotta tone it down.

  28. Fuck you and fuck him. Tired of this behavior, the serie isn’t finished.

  29. RealPineapple7

    lame ass nigga- i dont know how u guys find his corny ass funny

  30. Foxisdabest

    Kid was instrumental last year in the chip.

    Yeah he’s not good this year but this shit happens, man. He helped us win a chip. Good job, Poole.

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