@Philadelphia 76ers

Kate Scott rocks. I’m so happy she’s the commentator after Zu.

Kate Scott rocks. I’m so happy she’s the commentator after Zu.

by mikeb32


  1. mikeb32

    BTW y’all, donation thread tomorrow for Philadoptables. We’re taking Raise the Cats back and we’re gonna help Philly animals. Shoutout to /u/erickbachman for the suggestion. We got that DAWG in us so it’s only right to help out if you can spare it!

  2. BigEvil621

    Oh don’t worry Kate I cleared out my guts after games 2-4. Numerous times.

  3. thegodfatherderecho

    Kate has been here long enough to know this town and try to be that beacon of positivity against the backdrop of Negadelphia. She’s 100% right.

    If they win tomorrow, then they’re winning the whole fucking thing.

  4. SauconySundaes

    Hang on fam, we’re coming in for a landing!

  5. Express-Risk-6123

    I got some chills i wanna go fight a leprechaun right now lfg

  6. CantaloupeMafia

    she is just the perfect bridge from the fans to the team. good on the nbc sports and the sixers for giving her this opportunity, and even better on her for absolutely knocking this opportunity out of the park.

  7. bigSpeakersReddit

    good commentator, great person

  8. LAClipShow2020

    ❤️ This honesty, may be the biggest game of my 40plus years on gods green earth. This game 6 means… a lot.

  9. MoreHeartThanScars

    Kate Scott just gets better with time, she’s so on point with this. I was harsh as fuck on her the first season but now I’ll stan for her all day long.

  10. kniselysoccer13

    Dude she fuckin rules. I was so protective of zoomie but I wouldn’t trade her for anyone now

  11. W Kate. Yeah i’ve had some bad things today abt her commentating but she’s definitely grown on me. Let’s go Sixers

  12. GrittyTheGreat

    The new Queen of Philadelphia. She rules.

  13. autimaton

    She has won me over and then some. Proud to have her.

  14. Guitarplay825

    She’s a fucking star, and we are lucky to have her. She brings so much passion and love for the game to her commentary, and she gets why Philly is different when it comes to fandom.

  15. Sexyredkid

    I’d pay $5 to listen to Kate and Alaa as opposed to the ass clown national announcers.

  16. _Crazyjoedavola_

    She’s become impossible not to like

  17. lifeless-satellites

    LFG!! If everything pans out tomorrow, I’m gonna cry tears of joy. It’ll be our mini championship.

  18. nlamp32

    Let’s go. This is the right mindset to have

  19. SheSayImThesiccest

    Very true. Belief is everything

  20. ThrowawayPhucough

    Have to say that listening to Doris after listening to Kate all season has been like listening to cats screeching in a back alley. Wish Kate was with us all the way through.


  21. Not_So_Bad_Andy

    She’s grown into the role. She’s a great announcer and she knows what it means to be a Sixers fan. Here’s to her being around for a long time.

  22. Otternomaly

    Kate Scott might have recently become a Sixer, but sounds like she been trusting the process her entire life. We are so lucky to have her.


  23. I like Kate as a person and she definitely grew on me as a commentator. I’m not sure if that’s her improving or me adjusting, but I do like her now.

    One thing I’m glad about is that it seems like our fanbase stopped infantilizing her. We see this a lot with women in male dominated gigs. People almost overcompensate to show that they aren’t sexist, but don’t realize how it comes off. I remember her first year here, there was a post showing her at the DMV getting her drivers license transferred over to PA with a bunch of “you go Kate!” “there you go!” “you got this!” “great job!” type of comments. She’s a fucking adult and does’t need people to congratulate her for doing normal mundane adult tasks in the same way you’d hype up your 3 year old for not shitting on the floor.

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