@Philadelphia 76ers

Embiid and Maxey locked in

Embiid and Maxey locked in

by Prestigious-Rock201


  1. runricky34

    Hopefully Harden was at the strip club during this

  2. wakenbake7

    Im just as nervous as the rest of you guys. But at the same time, this year does just feel different. They don’t get too high after a win, they don’t get too down after a loss. We’ve shown a toughness this entire season to the point where I almost hope it’s close because I like our chances. I think these guys have been recognizing the moment and playing up to it.

    Just can’t wait to see the Wells Fargo center popping off tomorrow. It’s stressful, but this is what it’s all about!!

  3. rjnd2828

    Professional basketball players practicing basketball before payoff game. More breaking news at 11.

  4. PhiladelphiaSteaks

    Put in that work gents! We’ll party on broad in a few weeks 🤞

  5. abevigodasmells

    I wish they’d give me keys so I could go shoot some hoops at WFC.

  6. Mr_Booty_Bandit

    Both PJ coming here and Paul Reed getting minutes transformed our mindset. Love watching both the young guys and vets feeding into it

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