@Los Angeles Lakers

[LakersNation] Darvin Ham on tonight’s officiating: “We played the same way we always play. I don’t know what’s a foul anymore.” He pointed out how many guys got hit in the face and did not get whistles.

[LakersNation] Darvin Ham on tonight’s officiating: “We played the same way we always play. I don’t know what’s a foul anymore.” He pointed out how many guys got hit in the face and did not get whistles.

by ParisLake2


  1. V-KARIN

    Good. If kerr wants to bitch about it, bitch right back

  2. Awesomefan09

    There it is. I was wondering who was going to mention it.

  3. I’m hoping this was a extending the series thing and hopefully it’s not going to be like this for the rest of the series.

  4. justthrowitawaydood

    the fact they didn’t review AD getting hit for a foul is sus

  5. Rigged fucking league. Darvin should Chokeslam Kerr.

  6. CraigOfWar

    If Andrew Bynum was still around he would Elbow little Steph the fuck out.

  7. ElectricalForce4439

    Kerr going to come out and say we dont coach hitting guys in the face lol

  8. robert0076

    We all know the NBA is rigging most of these games. They must not let us lose game 6.

  9. LALyfestyle

    Lol almost taking a page out of the Kerr playbook. Someone tell Ham for it to work he has to bitch about it for the next two days

  10. VIRings

    Gotta play in the mud with these shitheads. Good on Ham

  11. IxmagicmanIx

    We were gonna have to blow them out to win it in 5. League really didn’t want this series to end yet

  12. BoysenberryJunior294

    It’s times like this where I wish we had Pat bev to knock a mf out for playing dirty against us

  13. levantoo

    Dirtiest team in the league. Fuck the Warriors “dynasty”.

  14. TotalAffectionate863

    Letting players slide is just asking for injuries

  15. The_Shade94

    This goes for the whole nba. Nobody knows what a foul anymore

  16. Sayomom

    Kerr complains so damn much for being a championship coach it’s honestly sad. Ham should complain. So much dirty plays and fouls not called. There’s a difference between driving to the paint and being blatant flops. Warriors got majority of fouls off flops that would never get called. Bron 5 second call was enough evidence to know how officiating would be

  17. gogginsdavid

    Most bitch ass officiating of the playoffs so far

  18. nova2006

    Refs have fully control of the game. GSW started hot shooting 3 but eventually cooled down if refs would call the game like usual Lakers would come back in the third.

  19. trappy-potter

    Kerr set this game up like they’re victims somehow so the refs and the warriors can do anything and get away with it. He watched Draymond stomp on Sabonis and acted like he didn’t see it. He doesn’t care how dirty they play, he relies on Draymond to do whatever he wants for them to win, it’s always been like this.

  20. winter-r0se

    the fact that none of our guys got hype when all these dirty plays happened… they had it too easy tonight. fuck adam silver Bitch

  21. StoneColdAM

    Darvin Ham truly became the Lakers’ coach in this series.

  22. laughingstorm187

    Moving screens, Draymond constantly getting in AD’s landing space, and Draymond shoving max christie in the back for the loose ball. Don’t even review AD’s shot to the head. Fucks sake

  23. Ham got a pull a Kerr and make a ton of noise about this. Have clips ready to go of guys getting hit in the face and hacked

  24. FastestSloth00

    I wish LBJ will make a statement how fouls are called. He’s the strongest voice get NBA’s attention.

  25. LebronsPinkyToe

    Lakers played some horrific offense tonight, not going to blame this entirely on officials. But they need to reign it in at some point when multiple guys are getting hit in the head, its too dangerous

  26. Shoddy_Landscape

    Unreal. Officiating was unbelievable. DLO barely touched the guy, and Lebrons 5 second call let us know the way the referees were calling it. It was specifically Ref #60. Who is he? I want to put together a compilation of his calls against the Lakers versus his non calls. Unreal. Ref #60

  27. rick_32

    At least he said something 👍🏾👍🏾

  28. FUCK the warriors and FUCK Kerr. I’m going to game 6 to watch us close it out.

  29. Cogentleman

    I feel like I watched Wrestlemania everytime Warriors were on D

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