@Golden State Warriors

JMG just posted this on his IG story…

Don’t know how I feel about him poking the bear.

by Joao040899


  1. Sparkle_Finger_911

    he aint a bear, bears dont flop

  2. Dynasty_30

    Lebron isn’t the same as before. He can’t sustain a dominant performance for an entire game

  3. FeelTheRealBirdie

    I like jmg more now. Pls re sign the dude

  4. johnnygrant

    the Lebron Cavs were a master of the same thing… be very physical defensively, then flop like hell when same service was returned.

    Lebron himself has many many flops.

  5. FallacyFrank

    Gotta give Bron a little credit. He’s not really flopping at all. The rest of the team (Dlo, Schroeder, reeves mostly) have been awful though.

  6. Herbetet

    Any team with LeBron tends to be high up on FTs and they are not just because of drives.

  7. Tempblbu

    Not a good idea imo. Commenting on the Lakers team as a whole for flopping is one thing but singling Lebron and that too a meme ..hmm we shall see!

  8. andresbk2

    I remember when LJ in the heat or Cavs would flop against the lakers and they would go ballistic over it
    The irony 😂😂

  9. parker1019

    Don’t know how but think LeFlop might be concussed too…

  10. NoobPwnr

    Politics aside, this reads like a Trump piece.

  11. zatsnotmyname

    They don’t teach flopping or work in it because they already perfected it…

  12. oops_im_wrong

    Warriors better play perfect basketball in Game 6. Lakers are probably going to get a friendly whistle and they don’t want to come back to Chase for Game 7.

  13. TheDeepSays

    Finally all this buddy buddy shit needed to end.

  14. No team works on flopping, that’s just a dumb statement. Can’t pretend their players aren’t flopping out there, if they actually worked on it maybe it wouldn’t be so obvious

  15. stonedutchf5

    This is dumb. What do you have to gain by posting this besides provoking lebron?

  16. wgjung1juan

    They don’t work on flopping, it’s a natural talent, like vertical jumping, strength or elbowed an opponent without getting call.

  17. 2635northpark

    This would make shaq and chuck laugh ten times harder than the wheelchair and fall out their chairs

  18. WeeklySavings

    Yea LeBron was capping but I feel this wasn’t necessary from jmg

  19. l----deleted----l

    I can’t wait for the flopping mixtape. It’s gonna be a 9-minute clip.

  20. DonFuego49

    Dude fell down in game 4 and the closest person to him was his own teammate.

  21. NotStanley4330

    Cmon lebron, the jokes about The Miami Heat school of acting from a decade ago didn’t come around for no reason 🤦‍♂️

  22. Check the tape. He’s ridiculous 😀😃😄😁😆

  23. Hopefully refs are realizing they will be under a microscope for game 6🙏🏻

  24. this_my_sportsreddit

    This is the same dude that with a straight face said ‘I’ve never played on a super team’ lol. Dude is a habitual liar, there are literally highlight feels of him lying for no reason at all.

  25. Who_knows-_-

    If you look at the thread people are saying this is the reason they need to close out it game 6….it is true…Kerr called it out before game 5 and they lost

  26. miniwyoming


    Dude is a master games-man.

    Someone get this man some bunny ears; the floppier the better.

  27. mangzane

    Did we learn nothing from 2016? Don’t talk shit to Lebron.

  28. feverking66

    While I agree with the sentiment, I would advise against poking the bear – we’ve done that before and it didn’t end well for us

  29. Tempblbu

    This series has all been about effort and giving any fuel to the Lakers can only have negative effects for the Warriors.

  30. franchise49

    I mean they get the most foul calls in the league for a reason… they are good at drawing fouls because they are good at selling fouls/flopping. Isn’t rocket science

  31. LeFraudJamesSucks

    its always the bum ass role players doing this shit…

  32. giraffesbluntz

    Y’all are crazy acting like this somehow motivates LeBron. The lakers know what’s at stake here.

    If anything we need to point out how hypocritical and ridiculous this take is. They’re trying to game the refs, it’s a good thing for us to have our own narrative to counter with.

    The whiplash brothers (DLo; Reaves; Schroeder) are gonna show up regardless of what JMG does.

  33. irteris

    he can barely keep a straight face lmao LeCap

  34. SprewellNo1Choker

    Excessive acting or a concussion to AD, which is it LeBron?

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