@Los Angeles Lakers

[3cbPerfoance] “Looney leaning on AD’s neck. No call. This only reinforces more contact. Irresponsible officiating.”

[3cbPerfoance] “Looney leaning on AD’s neck. No call. This only reinforces more contact. Irresponsible officiating.”

by Hwight


  1. Pushing off the neck is serious. Like WTF. Looney already trying to injure AD as soon as he checks in just the 1st quarter.

  2. uncledave1

    I miss Dwight for this reason. Wish we had an enforcer on our team.

  3. moneycarlo98

    Why the fuck are his arms always so high up. But this is right – refs are enabling this type of play that injures others. See exhibit: Sabonis

  4. La2philly

    That’s me (*3cbperformance). This is why you have guys leading with their elbows and forearms. You gotta nip that crap in the bud

  5. anarkhitty

    What is the baseline ref looking at if that’s not a foul. These type of plays lead to teams one upping each other with frustration fouls that can end up being dangerous for both teams

  6. Le4-6Mafia

    I honestly didn’t expect Laker fans to be this soft after watching Kobe for 20 years. It’s the playoffs, it’s physical. No one was trying to hurt AD.

  7. ZeroAcidCoolBurn

    If this is the call I am thinking of it literally changed the game.

    If they make that call it is Lakers ball down 5 with the ball to end the half.

    Instead they grab the offensive board. Klay makes a 3. AD turns it over. Slurry makes a 3.

    Down 11 at the half.

  8. LAlakers4life


  9. Whyamibeautiful

    Give TT some 2nd and 3rd quarter minutes with his goal is to get as many hard fouls in without getting s flagrant

  10. crimsonsentinel

    Draymond does this all the time too. How else would they get rebounds.

  11. above_the_odds

    Someone post this on Twitter and tag the NBA refs

  12. IxmagicmanIx

    I’ve played a ton of basketball in my life and yeah sometimes your arms and hands hit people when you’re down low, but I don’t know if i ever leaned on someone’s neck. Id know immediately if i did, it would feel weird

  13. savadonner

    Fuck Looney. This Guy pissed me so much.

  14. theseustheminotaur

    With them not calling contact up around the neck, Looney throwing his arms out at the shoulder level and above makes a lot more sense. You wonder if he still is doing that when he catches AD in the head if they called it on him one of the times he did it last night.

  15. abhaiyat

    They’ll continue with it since refs clearly ignore it along with the illegal screens.

  16. DamnnForrreal

    Just do it back! Refs ain’t calling shit

  17. LeArshad

    At the other end Bron would get hacked by multiple people and he doesn’t get most of the calls.

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