@National Basketball Association

NBA’s Top Plays of the Night In 60 Seconds! | May 11, 2023


  1. ESPN is rotten to the core and should be in court for spreading racism and hate!
    Drop dead and suffer you rotten racists,while Jokic destroys your brains and plays with your miserable existence! He was humiliated and ignored in many different ways by this racist league and entire network of organizations and he kicked your ass on top of it all! Rotten media, rotten sponsors, rotten corporations worth trillions of dollars, die slowly in heavy pain and suffering, because the Joker showed you that whoever laughs last laughs the sweetest!

  2. It’s so pathetic they gave Embiid the mvp over Jokic. Embiid going 7 games in round 2 and I bet they’ll get eliminated

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