@Golden State Warriors

The Lakers have some nasty fans…

I cannot stand the Lakers man, fucking 5 floppers on one team with a full supporting cast of actors. Davis went out on a wheel chair from a glancing forearm blow ffs. Tape showed that Looney contact was inadvertent AS ALWAYS. The Wiggins injury is confirmed to cause serious pain and potential further injuring and delayed healing. Warriors in 7 and one last time Fuck the Lakers

by levopress


  1. KevJamesS

    I don’t mind the Lakers, but their fans are the worst fanbase in sports by far.

  2. TheRed_Knight

    why are you expecting class from Lakers fans? thats like asking a pig to not roll around in shit

  3. Letsgetthisbread8812

    Have you seen the way our fan base talks about Jordan Poole lol?

  4. justinothemack

    They’re seriously some of the worst fans I’ve ever seen that’s for sure. Can’t wait to give it to these dudes in their own arena and bring it back to chase.

  5. Temerity: excessive confidence or boldness; audacity.

    Also, warriors dirty dynasty? Huh?! The temerity of this person’s statement is astounding.

  6. Voltage_EvoL

    The op of that post also said he wishes they still had Dwight so he could punch looney, and other people said they had dirty players to throw elbows and stuff.

  7. BobRoss4Life

    who cares what they say in their team sub

  8. Weekly-Recipe-5957

    What do you expect from them..they resort to rioting when they won from their past championships

  9. KrankShift

    I know I’ll get down voted but there are plenty of warriors fans who have been throwing out this same energy throughout the series. Every fan base especially two with the most bandwagon fans are gonna have a bunch of shitty ass people.

    With that said all that looney shit that’s been going on is straight up FUCKED UP and should be no room for that shit on any sub or social media platform.

    Anyways, fuck the lakers and fuck all there dickshit fans. Warriors taking game 6 baby!

  10. Servbot24

    Looks exactly like all the posts on this sub.

  11. Bulletproofpride

    This is kinda ironic coming from warriors fans lmaooo. But fuck the lakers nonetheless

  12. blankinyurblank

    Fuck LA! If I were going to the next game I’d bring my cowbell.

  13. Waikuku3

    Lol, looks like their sub needs some cleaning work by outsiders

  14. rttr123

    If youve watched the NBA longer than 8 seasons (damn I can’t believe it’s been so long), It’s hilarious to hear Lakers fans shit talk about bandwagoning.

    The Lakers have been the bandwagon champions since the league was started.

    Hell, internationally, it’s only been like 4 years since the warriors overtook the Lakers in popularity.

  15. sleepyblu3s

    “I wonder which team they’ll hop on after we disintegrate them tomorrow”


  16. Sharky-PI

    Who have we injured? I guess that one time, was it Bogut in the landing zone of Kawai? Other than that? We’re not hackers. Draymond fouls a lot but he’s not dangerous…

  17. leaguemoderator

    We say every fanbase is the worst fanbase I’ve seen. I said the same about kings fans last series. While there are some bad apples and Reddit bringing out the worst of them. Let’s just win this series and put them to rest for the foreseeable future.

  18. If I wanted to know what some dumb Lakers fans thought, I’d just delete my reddit account because that would’ve meant I had nothing better to do in here…

  19. OllieMoe

    As if comparatively the Lakers aren’t bandwagon?

  20. tzu_ndere

    To be fair this is how other fan bases see SOME of us lol. I’m rooting for this team but if we fail tomorrow, we’re still contenders until Steph retires.

  21. Saturday514

    Typical Lakers fans


  22. sunnynbright5

    Warriors have built their dynasty on taking out their opponent best players? I’m confused by this statement lol.

    From what I recall, Warriors have won their championships with their opponents having their best players playing for the most part? Lol did Lebron not play during those Warriors vs Cavs years? Pretty damn sure he did. Did Tatum and Brown not play in the finals last season because they were “taken out” by the Warriors players? Last I checked they sure did.

  23. luckycloud

    My god, I went through this thread… bad idea. The sheer stupidity and cruelty on display there is just sad, from a human perspective. They really think they’re victims and that our whole dynasty has been predicated by “dirty plays”, which is horseshit.

    Completely inadvertent forearm contact that DID NOT concuss Anthony Davis is apparently attempted murder.

  24. jabronijajaja

    The audacity to imply wiggins was flopping there when he was clutching his chest throughout the game

  25. ChrisPaulsABitch

    That op told me if I understood ball I would know looneys dirty

  26. doomknight117

    Yet we’re supposed to believe ad is injured and goes not overreacting to a tap on his head

  27. i_like_2_travel

    Ima lakers fan but that second comment makes it sound like they’re playing on the team. We do got some wild ass fans lmfao

    That whole post is cringe af

  28. OGlizzyhill

    Oh man give us that good karma for tomorrow

  29. maughanster8507

    I’m a bartender in SoCal and lakers fans complain about every loss like they got robbed. But the same fans complain more when their Dodgers lose.

  30. banned_after_12years

    We should have wheel chaired Wiggins outta the stadium, maybe that would help them believe the injury.

  31. jean-greys

    LA fans are actually the worst. dodgers included

  32. _skele_

    “Let’s” give it “our” all and finish them

    Lmao fucking delusional ass nerds, mother fucker you aren’t on the team

  33. Direct_Ad6699

    Them and the Suns are just a toxic fan base. I wish nothing more than blowing them off their own floor tonight. I would love a 30 point win to shut up their dumbass crowd and embarrass Lebron at home. Would make my night. Let’s go dubs!!!

  34. No_Manches_Man

    This coming from the team that wheeled AD off the floor after a glance from Loon? Hahahahahahahahahahah…fuck that noise.

  35. Trailboss1982

    Well they get it honest being a LeBron fan boy 😅

  36. 222thedome

    These guys are constantly making death threats to their own players worst fans in sports

  37. PerceptionHuge8031

    They really do have the worst fans. After a post I made about the warriors (on our own damn sub) a laker fan went into my post history and messaged me that they hope I relapse ( I often post in the stop drinking sub about my sobriety)

    I didn’t take it personally but it made me realize just how dumb people can be.

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