@New York Knicks

Nah this is literally insane…..Now it’s a problem when Julius kisses his wife and son after a game………LIKE WHAT?????

Nah this is literally insane…..Now it’s a problem when Julius kisses his wife and son after a game………LIKE WHAT?????

by Lovejones722


  1. theiversoncrossover

    I mean….I don’t give two fucks about players’ personal lives and what they do off court, but you gonna shit on a dude for kissing his wife??

    What kind of fucked up, moronic, idiotic, dumb cunt shit is that???

    Fucking idiots. Let the guy be.

  2. this is the dumbest take I’ve heard all post-season. like multiple dudes took time out of their lives to film their podcast and the hot topic is… a man kissing his wife and son after a win?

    get the fuck outta here grown ass men

  3. Burningfiresmoke

    Famous nets player Kenyon Martin talking about the Knicks? 🧐

  4. Glizzy_Jar

    Kenyon Martin doesn’t get public affection. He’s jealous.

  5. WhatIsGoingOnHere_2

    I can’t imagine a better time & place to share a moment with your two biggest supporters than after a tough high pressure gritty win in the nba playoffs. That’s the energy I need.

  6. Orbmetal

    Fuck all the way off. He went to son and gave him a big ol’hug and then wifey wanted a kiss. To bring this up is on some weird shit

  7. velocissimo

    Wow man really? That’s who Julius does this all for first and foremost, his family. Jfc if that’s an issue then this just confirms society is as fucked up as we think.

  8. CursedAttempt

    Kmart is and always has been a complete moron. Anyone who is listening to this man is one as well.

  9. sflawesq

    Of all the things to get on Julius Randle for, this is not one of them. Weird stretch by K-Mart

  10. joseElMoreno

    This is so stupid. People say your team is like your family. Well, you family is actually you family. Lol. I do t see anything wrong with him kissing his wife and hugging his kid.

  11. retropit

    just a bunch of old emotionally stunted men.

    Players still gotta shower, change, post-game press. You really gonna have your wife and kids wait that long?

    It’s no longer the 90’s/00’s. It’s ok to be a family man, hug your kids and NOT have side pieces and side arms.. *ahem, Gilbert and whole fugazi ass show.

  12. Every-Action7918

    Did you see what this wife posted on IG yesterday …Jules was at his sons school play…how could you criticize that…correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t Allan Houston cut his eye or something on his fridge getting milk for his baby during the 1999 run

  13. solo118

    Is that the first thing he does after a win?

    YES YOU FUCK! What kind of shit is this. Then talking about his face not showing emotion, this guy is cold af he barely shows emotion that is how he is.

    They need to talk about something else, not sure why I even wasted a minute of my life watching that nonsense

  14. Alphius247

    Bunch of clowns, haters and has beens. Jealousy is a motherfucker.

  15. Soup_Commie

    I don’t remember which game it was, but I’m pretty sure that back in 2020 after what might have been Julius’ best game of the season the first thing the camera showed him do was basically lift himself up right into the stands to give kyden a hug. And it was awesome.

    Which is to say that even if any of this even mattered, WHICH IT DOESN’T!, Julius being as close as can be with his family has been like the most constant thing about the dude since day 1 and so this says literally nothing about the current state his relationship with his teammates.

  16. shibby8720

    What an absolute shit take haha. Julius and his son are a Top 5 Father-Child combo in the NBA. No way a single person on this Knicks team is gonna rag him for loving his family. Sorry we can’t all be as emotionally unavailable as you K-Mart…

  17. jiffyparkinglot

    I see his son at many games , he went over to his son first and lifted him up, then kissed his wife. I see nothing wrong with a man who knows my son is waiting for me and is too young to understand Martins point. I am sure the guys worked on team chemistry in the locker room

  18. DoucheWithFeelings

    Saw this thread on twitter the guy who tweeted it out is embarrassing himself, when one of your main arguments is “hey I didn’t say it” then you’re a fucking idiot. Seems to put credence on it because they’er former players but we all know that don’t mean anything, some former guys are dumb af

    We’re gonna hate on a guy for loving his wife and kids? Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit.

    On the teammate issues thing, idk RJ seemed pretty happy for him getting all nba 3rd team in the postgame interviews.

    Just all around a trash take, there are so many things you can go at Randle for gameplay wise if we wanted to dive into that, going into personal stuff like this just shows you either don’t know what you’re talking about or just flat out have a vendetta against him.

  19. Jessica4ACODMme

    I respect a man MORE for rushing to his kids and wife first.
    Why wouldn’t he?

    This might be the dumbest take ever.

  20. dedbeats

    The point is made clearer at the end of the video and I get it but it’s still dumb af and borderline misogynist

  21. TheHoneyDuke

    It’s clear the most important thing to Randle is his family and I have zero problems with that.

  22. joorral

    I like watching this show but I had to turn it off after this shit take. Kmart gotta be dumb as hell. Everyone looks so shocked they didn’t want to shit on him in front of camera and went along with it. Even Gil looked at him and was like what? Then proceeded to go along with it smh.

  23. TheseKnicks

    That’s the last thing I would criticize Randle about. This take is so dumb from Kenyon.

  24. stemurph88

    Nah that’s whack. I am always hyper critical of Julius but I admire him as a father & husband, based on what I can see. He puts him family in tier 1A and you gotta respect that. Kenyon Martin is wrong here.

  25. The_Royale_We

    Kmart played hard but is not really that bright. He went after Lin for his dreads and Lin goofed him about his Asian letter tattoos. In short, he’s a moron and a bigot. This is the downside of podcasts. Any old player gets a forum and some kind of built in respect because they are old former players. Randle is already a far better Knick than Kmart was

  26. gainmoniker

    no wonder this guy has a complex, every little thing he does is scrutinized

  27. bsanchey

    Why people making fun of him for being a loving father and husband? I don’t get people.

  28. yourfathersknicks

    Room was quiet for a hot minute after k mart got started before everyone realized they were gonna have to entertain that nonsense because you can’t have dead air, what a bozo

  29. DragonEevee1

    Kenyon Martin who accomplished *checks notes* nothing in his career?

  30. Abstract__Reality

    Aaaaaand that’s why he’s divorced lmao

  31. omicron_prime

    Yea i really don’t understand this dumb fucking take at all. I literally thought NOTHING about Julius going to his son and wife after the game besides “aw” cause we all know how invested that kid is in these games his dad plays in. Maybe they don’t know? I hope Kwame Browns rolls up unannounced to that set with some of his southern homies and makes all these fake tough guys run for the hills.

  32. logan44man

    Nah instead we should applaud him if he cheats and has 5 kids with 5 different women. Foh kmart

  33. i-piss-excellence32

    Kmart was a good player but he’s a few pita breads short of halal. This is the same guy that talked crazy about jeremy lin and then got bodied by him.

  34. Snowbreeezzzzyy

    Bro got NO support from anyone else on the panel lmfao

  35. kidkuro

    Fellas is it mentally weak to be a loving husband and father!?

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